2005 Valentine’s Twosome
5K Relay held February 12 at City Park in Pueblo.
Group Combined Place Name Ages Times 1 Jill Montera & Larry Volk 79 21:01 2 Sandy Reinsch & Ben Valdez 76 23:15 3 Carey Moreschini & Bobby Valentine 76 23:27 4 Kelli Baris & Michael Baris 50 23:48 5 Jeff Sarek & Kim Wilson 54 25:22 6 Marijane Martinez & Nick Leyva 103 25:25 7 Zane Khosla & Rocky Khosla 55 25:38 8 Wendy Bulow & Joe Bulow 66 25:41 9 Carla Braddy & Trent Braddy 53 25:43 10 Paula Delpriore & Mike Archuleta 84 25:46 11 Jace Montera & Jordan Montera 19 25:52 12 Lori Gregory & Len Gregory 116 27:19 13 Cheryl Cook-McCoy & Marv Bradley 125 27:25 14 Sheri Tiller & Jerry Tiller 76 28:03 15 Jerica Khosla & Jace Khosla 26 28:17 16 Rosa Bruce & Rich Bronken 83 28:32 17 Lanna Puls & Ted Puls 63 28:34 18 Laura Wertzbaugher & John Freyta 83 28:55 19 Kristy Puls & T.J. Puls 30 29:27 20 Mandy Belton & Hilbert Navarro 85 29:56 21 Kate Puls & Gerald Puls 129 42:08
Volunteer Support
We’d like to thank the volunteers who helped to make this race possible:
Race Director: Jeff Arnold
Finish Line: Sidney Arnold, Ron Dehn, Steve Wall