2008 Spirit Fest on the Riverwalk Run

2008 Spirit Fest on the Riverwalk Run

5K run held on Saturday June 14, 2008 at the Riverwalk in Pueblo.

Place Name               Age Sex Time
    1 Levi Medina         21  M  16:33
    2 Ian Sturgeon        29  M  20:07
    3 Aaron Levinson      19  M  20:23
    4 Don Smith           39  M  20:52
    5 Mark Gurule         46  M  21:04
    6 John Roman          63  M  21:49
    7 Nathan Fernandez    31  M  22:00
    8 Jeremy Gregory      24  M  22:01
    9 Chris Madison       20  M  22:10
   10 Kelly Concho-Hayes  29  F  22:14
   11 Jerry Kelly         46  M  22:17
   12 Eric Griego         25  M  22:25
   13 Frank Romero        24  M  23:03
   14 Chief Reno          46  M  23:03
   15 Chris Riley         47  M  23:27
   16 Jose Manuel Flores  42  M  23:52
   17 Manny DeYoung       46  M  23:55
   18 Shawn Reid          23  M  25:13
   19 Donald DiPrince     58  M  25:29
   20 Robert Santayo      46  M  26:11
   21 Mary Humphreys      45  F  26:12
   22 Mike Garcia         44  M  26:20
   23 Austin Bass         13  M  26:34
   24 Catherine Gomez     52  F  26:35
   25 BJ Byers            26  M  26:42
   26 Hilary Gagliardi    34  F  26:45
   27 Deanna Platt        29  F  27:16
   28 Todd Kelly          42  M  27:35
   29 James Husford       44  M  27:37
   30 Tara Johnson        33  F  28:00
   31 Lee Madison         55  M  28:16
   32 Tommy Kail          18  M  28:39
   33 Toni Fernandez       7  F  29:03
   34 Debbie Gurule       44  F  29:08
   35 Michelle Francis    35  F  29:12
   36 Charity Krow        27  F  29:31
   37 Nina Gonzales       26  F  29:36
   38 Mikayla Sanchez     20  F  30:46
   39 Eugene Aguilar      53  M  30:48
   40 Mike Berumen        46  M  31:07
   41 Kathryn Kettler     64  F  31:32
   42 Roger Langer        38  M  31:55
   43 Jaxon Garoutte       7  M  31:56
   44 Dylan Shapiro        9  M  32:00
   45 Dee Dee Medina      31  F  32:03
   46 Ed Espinoza         42  M  32:04
   47 Michelle Vigil      40  F  32:05
   48 Reynalda Garoutte   31  F  32:08
   49 Lucas Andrada        7  M  32:12
   50 Remy Andrada        25  F  32:12
   51 Joe Bower           37  M  32:24
   52 Adreiana Artega     26  F  32:41
   53 Robert Gonzales     42  M  32:43
   54 Lillian Jones       51  F  33:58
   55 Lilia Sprouse       57  F  34:34
   56 Kevin Shapiro       15  M  35:51
   57 Dennis Wait         53  M  35:59
   58 Brian Bentz         38  M  36:04
   59 Mona Langer         39  F  37:35
   60 Kris Bower          34  F  37:43
   61 Karri Brown         33  F  37:59
   62 Jaden Brown         10  M  38:01
   63 Neely Byers         25  F  38:19
   64 Kyle Espinoza       11  M  39:29
   65 Jae Ryan            37  F  39:54
   66 Kim Mueller         32  F  41:58
   67 Louise Samora       54  F  42:33
   68 Lucas Espinoza       8  M  42:34
   69 Dawn Bass           39  F  43:44
   70 Nathan Bass         15  M  47:43
   71 Kathy Santos        31  F  48:21
   72 Kathy Shapiro       44  F  48:37
   73 Kathleen DeFazio    74  F  48:39
   74 Juanita Gonzales    53  F  49:00


Volunteer Support

We’d like to thank the volunteers who helped to make this race possible:

Race Director: Hilbert Navarro
Finish Line: Paul LaBar, Pixie Raich
Registration: Ruth McDonald
Results: Ken Raich