2009 Spirit Fest on the Riverwalk Run

2009 Spirit Fest on the Riverwalk Run

5K run held on Saturday June 13, 2009 at the Riverwalk in Pueblo.

Place  Name                Age Sex   Time
    1  Levi Medina          22  M    16:19
    2  Aaron Levinson       20  M    20:14
    3  Regie Marquez        32  M    20:58
    4  Conrad Schanze       10  M    21:29
    5  Austin Briggs        31  M    21:55
    6  Donny Simony         36  M    21:57
    7  Manny DeYoung        47  M    22:07
    8  David Baker          31  M    22:22
    9  Chris Riley          48  M    22:26
   10  John Roman           64  M    22:27
   11  Joe Stommel          59  M    22:30
   12  Domingo Santisteven  14  M    23:03
   13  Craig Johnson        44  M    23:12
   14  Paul Larson          30  M    23:13
   15  Kallene West         30  F    23:16
   16  Aaron Ruiz           26  M    24:33
   17  Chuck Rasmussen      50  M    24:59
   18  Bob Gassen           62  M    25:16
   19  Catherine Gomez      53  F    25:29
   20  Shawn Reid           24  M    26:09
   21  Steven Kirkendall    25  M    26:19
   22  Scott Bailey         52  M    27:09
   23  Lee Charles Madison  56  M    27:25
   24  Rob Archuleta        36  M    27:28
   25  Deanna June Platt    30  F    27:48
   26  Alicia Aune          13  F    28:31
   27  Marilyn Vargas       45  F    28:33
   28  Alison Kochenberger  28  F    28:40
   29  Andrea Neu           18  F    28:52
   30  Jessica Kepler       34  F    28:54
   31  Cyndia Lee           46  F    28:58
   32  Rick Acosta          57  M    29:04
   33  Eve Fogarty          34  F    29:07
   34  Cathleen Larson      24  F    29:24
   35  Felix Vargas         16  M    30:21
   36  Andrea Thornton      41  F    30:43
   37  Glen Schaffer        43  M    30:45
   38  Alexis Anderson      18  F    30:55
   39  Sherrie Anderson     51  F    31:15
   40  Dan Archuleta        46  M    31:24
   41  Eileen Baracz        61  F    31:33
   42  Riki Acosta          36  F    31:34
   43  Milt Peterson        56  M    31:43
   44  Kayla Contreras      16  F    32:34
   45  Bobbi Jo Aune        32  F    34:10
   46  Rose Hayes           49  F    35:22
   47  Sheena Archuleta     32  F    35:33
   48  Cristy Lore-Davis    51  F    36:02
   49  Nick Grace           38  M    36:14
   50  Deanna Lee           17  F    36:47
   51  Cynthia Ellingson    41  F    38:48
   52  Filomeno Vargas       8  M    40:44
   53  Gilbert Archuletta   58  M    45:15
   54  Pegi Lynn Crates     59  F    45:51
   55  Debi Stephens        54  F    45:52
   56  Kellie Carter        31  F    46:23
   57  Rosalinda Vargas      9  F    46:41
   58  Kathleen DeFazio     75  F    47:21
   59  Jaylen Vargas        11  F    47:31
   60  Brandon Humphrey     34  M  1:03:03
   61  Monika LeDoux        30  F  1:03:05
   62  Lisa Castillo        39  F  1:13:58
   63  Shawna Dupree        42  F  1:13:59
   64  Delores Spinnuzzi    73  F  1:14:08
   65  Lucia Cordova        57  F  1:16:43


Volunteer Support

We’d like to thank the volunteers who helped to make this race possible:

Race Director: Hilbert Navarro
Finish Line: Dennis Wait, Pixie & Ken Raich, Mike Archuleta
Registration: Ruth McDonald
Photographer: Ron Dehn
Results: Paulette Arns, Dave Diaz