2024 Temple Canyon Raffle Run

Hello Members,

On Saturday November 30, two days after Thanksgiving we gathered to run and walk at Temple Canyon west of Canon City.  I went the night before with our host Roger Giordano to mark and plan the course for both the walkers and runners.  When we arrived the following morning, the wind was howling down from the surrounding mountain tops making for less-than-ideal conditions.  Good thing we marked the night before.  What really improved conditions was when Cheri Giordano broke out the chocolate covered doughnuts and suddenly the wind wasn’t so bad.  After you got into the canyon the wind was almost nonexistent, so the run/walk was rather pleasant.  After the run many of us stopped at Orteagas restaurant for a warm and hearty breakfast. This very well could be the last year for this run as the hosts don’t want to continue so if nobody steps into the role, we will more than likely be running closer to home.  Diego Hernandez was the lucky raffle winner and won a $50.00 gift certificate to the Pantry Restaurant.

Keep Moving,
