Job description/duties of volunteer elected and non-elected officer positions for SCR and SoCoT2. All are expected to attend monthly SCR meetings or send report via email if unable to attend:
Elected positions: one-year term according to club bylaws but may succeed themself, no term limits, reviewed every November with nominations, vote at general meeting in December to take office late January.
Non-elected positions are also reviewed each November, no term limits, if large interest in one position, two or more members can share a job or if needed, president or board can vote to assign responsibilities.
SCR President:
- Attend and run all the monthly SCR meetings, put together agenda
- Attend as many SCR functions and volunteer often as needed
- Read, respond/answer or forward emails to the appropriate person (calendar, membership, newsletter, etc) regarding the subject. This can be 10+ emails a day including outside clubs promoting their runs, equipment requests, shirts, waterbottles, etc promotion.
- Familiar with club equipment, especially timing eqipment, that may come and go from the SCR shed. Make sure equipment is returned in working order.
- Speak if needed at the Annual SCR Awards Banquet
- Direct the club in a positive way for the entire club membership by possibly scheduling guest speakers on running topics at monthly meetings to renew more involvement of the entire club membership.
SCR Vice-President:
- Serve in the absence of the President at monthly meetings, functions
- Help maintain the equipment in the SCR shed
- Help co-direct the club in a positive way for the entire club membership by possibly scheduling guest speakers on running topics at monthly meetings to renew more involvement of the entire club membership.
SCR Secretary:
- Attend all monthly meetings and take minutes and any additional meetings scheduled for other purposes as needed
- Post SCR meeting minutes on the SCR website within 2 weeks of the meeting. Also post PDF copy of the monthly newsletter to the SCR website.
- Provide copy of minutes to the [email protected] for printing in the newsletter
SCR Treasurer:
- Track all club finances including the check book, club Paypal account, coordinate payments for outside organizations for support at SCR events.
- Produce a Treasurer’s report for each monthly meeting showing expenditures that month
- Pay annual fees for the club: RRCA membership each December, …..
- Ensure adequate deposit in SCR postal account to cover expense of bulk mailing newsletters each month.
SCR Webmaster:
- Must have training or functional use of WordPress content management system.
- Maintain the SCR website for functional, accessible information and security of private information
- Attend monthly SCR meetings and regularly update the website with changing information, ask key positions to review information for annual updates
- Train other volunteers to use WordPress to make routine updates for results, minutes, stories, membership since the system is designed for multi-user access and timely updates.
- Administer user accounts and access for web hosting environment
- Maintain email accounts and forwarders for SCR accounts
- Maintain and update WordPress CMS components
- Configure and maintain interfaces to external web content such as Facebook, Registration Systems and etc.
- Develop custom PHP, HTML, JavaScript as required
SoCoT2 Coordinator:
- Attends all SCR meetings (or sends a representative if unable to attend) to update the club on triathlon news, training, races, expenditures
- Coordinates all triathlon club efforts including keeping club in good standing with USAT in terms of insurance, liability, helps host the Ordinary Mortals Triathlon each May, responsible for USAT sanctioning of OMT, coordinates Youth Tri Club training program each spring, assists/coordinates with clothing orders for the club, hosting a meeting site at large races with high SoCoT2 participation.
- Coordinates the USAT National Club Challenge Dec through Feb annually by signing up the club and any interested SoCoT2 members with an annual USAT membership.
- Communicates via email and Facebook with SoCoT2 members of upcoming events, races or fun training opportunities.
Newsletter editor:
- Produce near monthly newsletter (often Dec issue is skipped with hectic holiday season)
- Coordinate printing of final document through CSU-P printshop and coordinate payment with the Treasurer.
- Coordinate the newsletter stuffing one evening at the Gold Dust and have publicized on the Yahoo group and Facebook page.
- Ensure a PDF copy of newsletter is posted to the SCR website
- Receive of stipend of $100 for each newsletter generated due to the complexity of the task, driving and supplies needed
- Access to and ability to use Microsoft publisher. Ability to convert and compress files for transmission.
- Organize bulk mailing as outlined by USPS and mail within 5 business days of newsletter stuffing. Treasurer will ensure deposit in SCR postal account will cover the expense of mailing.
Race Calendar Keeper:
- Maintain the race calendar with official SCR events (races as well as Predict Series events), as well as, other local/regional races. Determine what events to post on SCR webpage based on requests, quality of event and history of organization.
- Send out routine member emails, yahoo group emails and Facebook posts about upcoming races, registration timeframes, price increases, etc.
- Has Facebook administrator access and Joomla access to email entire membership
Group run/fun Calendar Keeper and Tri Club Calendar Keeper:
- Maintain the group run/fun calendar with casual running/walking events locally to create commraderie and training options for club members.
- Has Facebook administrator access to post last minute changes or reminders of upcoming fun stuff.
- Update the Tri Club calendar with training opportunities, group run calendar from SCR can flow over, additional swim and bike training, nutrition classes, etc can be added. Youth events are shown in different color than adult training events.
- Post schedule of races Tri Club members are participating in: annual online survey will collect race plans for club members so we know who is participating at an event, we can carpool or just look for them at the event or cheer them on from afar.
Membership chair:
- Maintain the SCR and SoCoT2 membership database system and online registration process. Update the paper registration form and post on the website and provide to newsletter in November. Provide write up each fall and member directed emails regarding membership renewal.
- Provide SoCoT2 names and full information to the Tri Club Coordinator for USAT club liability insurance and routine email updates.
- Provide Treasurer number of memberships (not members) by late December to pay RRCA insurance fees for SCR.
- Provide membership address list to Colorado Runner for all club members interested in receiving that monthly publication.
- Provide membership address list for printing of newsletter labels for monthly newsletter stuffing.
- May have a committee of volunteers to assist in gathering club membership forms at Predict events, community events promoting the running or triathlon club.
Predict Race Coordinator:
- Coordinates the timing and point results of each Predict race in the series using a club produced Xcel system.
- Post Predict race results within 24 hours of Predict race and maintain overall Series results
- Does this person coordinate with each volunteer race director and publicize it or is that Calendar keepers job? Overlap this past year….
Volunteer Coordinator:
- Keep track of volunteer points throughout the calendar year for the awards banquet.
- Help recruit and direct interested people to volunteer assisting with SCR events or officer positions.