The prediction series races are sponsored by Southern Colorado Runners (SCR) and are FREE to all SCR members. Please feel free to join the club ($15.00 for individual and $20.00 for family to be included in the results and awards for this series)
- The races take place in various locations around Pueblo, Pueblo West and Canon City and run on varying terrain — streets, gravel roads and trails.
- Races are all in fun and give everyone a chance to compete on the same level. You don’t have to be the fastest to win, you just need to know your pace the best!
- Many races end with a pot luck to enjoy the company of other area runners. Please join the fun by bringing your favorite dish to share!
- List of monthly races and course description.
Rules and Guidelines
- Before the race, each runner signs his or her name on a sheet with his or her predicted time to complete the upcoming course.
- After the run your actual time is recorded. The difference between your actual and predicted time is figured and compared to the others in that particular run – the closer you are the more points you get.
- No watches or GPS units allowed because the whole idea is to test one’s ability at predicting how long it will take to run or walk a given course. Violators of this rule will be disqualified.
- Headsets and iPods are allowed on an honor system that they are not used for an unfair advantage. If you do choose to use a headset or iPod please be careful of your surroundings. Streets have cars and trails are narrow.
- ALL PARTICIPANTS START AT SAME TIME: To simplify the timing and results, all runners and walkers will start at the same time and on the same clock. There will be 10 to 13 predicts during the year, and 6 must be completed to qualify for an award. This allows everyone, including those with injuries or commitments to family or work, to complete the number necessary to qualify for an award.
- Generally, a time limit will be placed on completing the predict, and anyone who finishes after the finish-line has closed will not be included in the results. Placing a time-limit on the predict allows everyone, including volunteers, to take part in post-predict festivities.
- Race directors will be encouraged to layout and mark a separate course for walkers, especially when the run is relatively long. This will enable all participants to finish the predict timely, allowing everyone, including the finish-line crew and other volunteers, to enjoy any post-predict festivities, such as a brunch.
Awards: all SCR club members are eligible for the Prediction Series awards
- Members who complete 6 prediction events will receive an award at the annual awards banquet in January.
- The top 3 people with the highest points will receive additional awards.
- If you place 4 through 25 you are welcome to a group hug.
Check the results page for final standings of the SCR Predict Series each year.