SCR Group Runs
It’s great to run with a group! It makes the time pass quickly (not to mention the interesting assortment of topics a group can manage to discuss when everyone’s brain is simultaneously being deprived of oxygen). The support and camaraderie you obtain from your group can be invaluable.
Many runners are looking to run with a group so we’d like to list your group run times, meeting location, pace and distance to share with others in the community:
- Group Runs can be found on our calendar or our Group Runs Facebook page
SCR Predict Races
Free monthly races that test how well you know your pace over a variety of terrains and distances. Participate in 6 predict races each year and you earn a nice award at the annual award ceremony. Win the most points during the series and get an even better award! Many of the predict races include a potluck after the run that all are welcome to join.
SCR is an all volunteer organization. We are always in need of volunteers at SCR races and races SCR assists other organizations with finish line and results.
Monthly Business Meeting
The first Wednesday of each month via virtual meeting (during Covid-19 restrictions) we conduct club business. This includes receiving officer reports, organizing upcoming races, reviewing races that have taken place, considering requests for race or financial assistance as well and making other policy decisions. Read our club minutes to get a better idea of what goes on. Anyone is welcome to participate.
Annual Banquet
Join us for an evening of glamour, awards, entertainment and prizes each January. Check our January calendar for the event details. If you are interested in serving on this committee, contact [email protected].
Fall Harvest Pizza Party
The October Predict run includes food, beer, soda for club members after the run. Check out the October calendar for details.