SCR Community Assistance

The SCR assists the Pueblo area in the following ways:

  1. Host several annual SCR sponsored races such as the Spring Run Off, Ordinary Mortals and Mini Mortals Triathlon, Rock Canyon Half Marathon to raise money for the club, equipment for races and community grants.
  2. Host a monthly Prediction Series Run that is free to club members and a fun social running event
  3. As of January 2014, the club is no longer providing race timing assistance to third party groups hosting races in Pueblo due to the excessive demands this placed on a small group of trained volunteers.  
    1. The club developed a “Race Director kit” that can help guide community groups in hosting a race. The first decision is whether the event will be a competitive timed event or more of a fun run which requires less timing, awards and organization. But any event needs to have a properly marked and marshalled course for participant safety.
    2. Groups wanting to host competitive timed races expecting more than 100 participants are encourage to look into race production or timing companies in Colorado Springs (Mangled Momentum race services) or Denver. 
    3. Small races of 100 or fewer participants can be timed with an inexpensive phone app  fairly easily, reliably and affordably! 
    4. SCR would like to provide a point of contact for community organizations to ask questions and get guidance via email or phone on how to host races.  But the club is still looking for a volunteer to fill that role currently.

SCR Community Grants:

  1. Each year SCR donates at least 10% of SCR sponsored race proceeds to individuals and organizations that are working to advance walking, running and healthy active lifestyles.  The typical grant is between $100 and $500.
  2. To request an SCR Community Grant, a written letter describing the proposed project, plan or need must be sent to [email protected] to be placed on the business meeting agenda and discussed by club members.
  3. The requesting organization will be invited to the meeting to discuss the request, club members may ask questions and a vote will be taken within a month of the request.
  4. In recent years, SCR has helped send local youth to attend national running competitions, donated to the Pillars Park, YMCA climbing wall, planted trees in newly developed parks, the Pueblo Nature Center and trail.