Women driving running’s second boom

July, 2000 Fit to be Tied Column From the Pueblo Chieftainby Gary Franchi July represents a very special milestone in the world of women’s running. It was 20 years ago this month that the Road Runners Club of America launched nationwide the Women’s Distance Festival, a 5-kilometer (3.1 miles) run/walk to highlight the lack of […]

Area runners have their pick of sweet races

June, 2000 Fit to be Tied Column From the Pueblo Chieftain by Gary Franchi Area runners have their pick of sweet races For serious runners, it doesn’t get much better than summertime in Colorado. And if you live in Southeast Colorado, beginning in June you can race almost every weekend in the triangular area that

Puls has no peers when it comes to planning ahead

May, 2000 Fit to be Tied Column From the Pueblo Chieftain by Gary Franchi Puls has no peers when it comes to planning ahead Being the compulsive souls that they are, runners – and other competitive athletes for that matter – are always training for something. If you hang around them very much, you’ll inevitably

We’re covering the running and fitness bases

April, 2000 Fit to be Tied Column From the Pueblo Chieftain by Gary Franchi We’re covering the running and fitness bases Some of you may recognize my name, since I wrote a little bit of sports for this newspaper many moons ago before moving on to other chapters of my life. Although my athletic ability