Hornet Running – Two sensational meets

Two sensational meets Alamosa 3/31/01 We finally got a varsity meet with good weather. The day was better than forecast, clear and sunny, only slightly windy, and with a gorgeous view of new snow on the Blanca massif above the eastern side of the field. It was the end of our spring vacation and we […]

Hornet Running – Spring Season

Spring Season — But No Meets, Yet Spring has been here for just over a week now, but County High has yet to participate in a varsity track meet. On consecutive Saturdays, March 17 Fountain, and March 24 Liberty, meets were canceled in the Springs area due to weather. The kids are ready, we think.

Hornet Running – Season Wrapup

Season Wrapup The high school cross country season has been over for a little more than a month as I write, but the National Junior Olympic meet in Reno, Nevada is still ahead, December 9, 2000. Crystal Berndt and Kyle Reno are the only club and County High runners still in the chase. The high

Hornets Running – Nervous thoughts

Nervous thoughts before our first meet It’s September though I’m just now beginning to accept the idea that August will be here soon. Our first meet is tomorrow, Sept. 2, and we aren’t really sorted out for the season yet. We’ll have two girls running in the race and won’t score in the team race

Hornet Running – High Altitude Challenge

The season opener for the Rye cross country team was a valuable one. While only one rookie, freshman Cassy Berndt, ran, everyone on the team learned something. The Alamosa meet is unique in our schedule because it features big, strong teams from New Mexico. Los Alamos with 60 runners won both divisions but in the