Jessie Finally Finished a Ironman

Hello Members, On Saturday September the 24th we completed our 10th predict run of the year at the home of Jessie Casarez in Pueblo West.  It was a beautiful fall afternoon and we had a turnout of 22 members and 7 guests competing in the predict run/walk.  Ron Dehn was the overall point winner for […]


Hello Members, We are almost through the summer so enjoy as many races as you can before the cold weather comes in.  For our August race we ran from the home of Dave and Stacy Diaz in the Domega neighborhood.  I like to refer to it as the dogs taking older people for walks neighborhood. 

Vision Hills Predict

Hello Members, The Gowen family (thanks to them) hosted the predict this weekend.  The Vision Hills consisted of a 5 mile run and a 2 mile walk on a gorgeous summer morning.  These are the type of mornings that are made for running.  I love to see neighborhoods with people out walking their dogs and

No Wine Before It’s Time

Hello Members, Wednesday night we had a great predict, No Wine Before It’s Time, hosted by Ken and Melanie Hughes at their business.  There was plenty of food and wine and numerous door prizes for the attendees.  We had 28 members and 17 nonmembers attend with Jitka McGivney being the overall member point winner.  She

Peaks & Prairies @ Rob’s & Beck’s

Hello Members, On Saturday, June 4th, we had great weather for our monthly predict run held at the residence of Rob and Rebecca on Warble Ct.  24 members showed up for the run/walk and 3 guests also participated.  The course went north of the neighborhood and contained some up and down hills and a great

Choose Your Own Adventure

Hello Members, Sunday saw us at the home of Sean and Jitka McGivney for the May predict run.  We had a good turnout for the run and the social gathering afterward.  Spring running is always a gamble in Colorado with the weather, but Sunday was a nice cool morning for running and very little wind.