Admin Forms

ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES – Adopted August 2018  Financial forms for Club member use: Deposit Summary Form – cash or checks to be deposited for club events or membership. Reimbursement request – reimburse club member for own payments to vendors. Purchase order – request club payment direct to a vendor or donation to organization (also consider using Donation from SCR letter to […]

Finish Line and Results Training

Volunteers are needed to assist with SCR races such as Predict races, OMT, Rock Canyon, Spring Run Off. Volunteers assist by helping with the following duties: Finish line (2-3 volunteers): set up finish line chute and large display clock, use a primary and back up time machine to record times and bib numbers (as many as

SCR Equipment Rental Policy

SoCoRunners Equipment Rental Agreement SCR no longer offers race management and timing for outside organizations due to lack of trained volunteers.  We recommend outside organizations look for a race management company in Denver or Colorado Springs.  Small races with 50 or fewer participants can be timed using existing phone apps with little trouble.  Organizers may

Easy Does It Race Director Kit

Introduction Many individuals and organizations have inquired about what is required to hold a quality road race. The guidelines below are based on our years of experience running our own events and advising others. Getting Started: start planning for a race at least five months prior to race day: Select a race date and course:


SCR Officers:  reviewed annually in November, vote at Dec meeting, take office late January Position Photo Name E-mail President Ted Sillox [email protected] Vice President Paul Hindman [email protected] Secretary Jessy Montrose [email protected] Treasurer Paulette Arns [email protected] Non-Elected Officers – reviewed annually in November and December Position Photo Name E-mail Newsletter Editor Ron Dehn [email protected] Race Calendar