It’s a Wonderful Run

It’s a Wonderful Run 12/18/10 – 4 mileRace #10 of the 2010 Prediction Series As reported by Carrie and Gary Franchi Name Predict Actual Variance Points 1 Noni Spracklin 35:10:00 35:00.2 00:09.8 100.00 2 Humberto Paredes 29:20:00 29:01.1 00:18.9 94.12 3 Bill Veges 34:00:00 33:40.8 00:19.2 88.20 4 Stacey Diaz 35:30:00 35:04.6 00:25.4 82.32 5 […]

2010 Temple Canyon Run a Prediction Series Run

2010 Temple Canyon Run a Prediction Series Run 11/27/10 – 4MRace #9 of the 2010 Prediction Series As reported by Carrie Franchi Name Predict Actual Variance Points 1. Matt Diaz 40:00 39:54.02 0:05.98 100.00 2. Emily McKissick 40:00 39:53.39 0:06.21 98.07 3. Jane Chess 40:11 40:03.94 0:07.19 96.13 4. Jack Roberts 31:23 31:31.00 0:08.00 94.2

South Shore Adventure 2010 Prediction Run

South Shore Adventure 2010 Prediction Run 8/29/10 – 10+ Mi.Race #7 of the 2010 Prediction Series As reported by Carrie Turman Name Predict Actual Variance Points 1 Denise Flory 1:15:00 1:15:43.23 0:43.23 100.00 2 Brian Ropp 0:59:45 1:01:36.87 1:51.87 66.67 3 Shawn Loppnow 0:58:58 1:01:09.37 2:11.37 33.33 4 Stacey Diaz 1:20:00 1:30:02.41 10:02.41 0.00 5

Shawns Shuffle 2010 Prediction Run

Shawns Shuffle 2010 Prediction Run 7/24/10 – 5 Mi.Race #6 of the 2010 Prediction Series As reported by Carrie Turman Name Predict Actual Variance Points 1 Matt Drake 0:29:00 0:29:20.45 0:20.45 100.00 2 Darryl Clark 0:44:50 0:44:12.05 0:37.95 66.67 3 Aaron Levinson 0:33:00 0:32:10.57 0:49.43 33.33 4 Paulette Arns 0:60:02 0:59:10.30 0:51.70 0.00 5 Jessie

Yappy Dog Prediction Run

Yappy Dog Prediction Run 5/23/10 – 8.6kRace #5 of the 2010 Prediction Series As reported by Carrie Turman Name Predict Actual Variance Points 1 Leona Spracklin 1:20:00 20:24.8 00:24.8 100 2 Brian Ropp 1:06:00 05:13.7 00:46.3 95.45 3 Dave Diaz 1:06:00 07:02.3 01:02.3 90.91 4 Joe Stommel 1:23:25 21:59.5 01:25.5 86.36 5 Matt Drake 52:00:00

Ramsgate 8 Prediction Run

Ramsgate 8 Prediction Run 4/10/10 – 8kRace #4 of the 2010 Prediction Series As reported by Carrie TurmanSeries Cumulative Standings Name Predict Actual Variance Points Steve Wall 38:50:00 38:25.8 00:24.2 100 Nina Gonazles 55:14:00 54:34.1 00:39.9 96.3 Paul DallaGuardia 48:40:00 47:43.9 00:56.1 92.59 Donald Moore 39:00:00 39:57.3 00:57.3 88.89 Shawn Loppnow 45:32:00 44:29.5 01:02.5 85.19