G U RULE Predict

G U Rule Predict — 4M Run/1M Walk Saturday, July 13,   2013 Race   #7 of the 2013 Predict Series                       Place Name Predict Actual Difference Points Pace 1 Nelson Brentlinger 36:14 36:10.95 00:03.05 100.00 09:03 2 Bill Veges 35:30 35:21.31 00:08.69 96.77 08:50 […]

Lone Tree 5M Predict

Lone Tree 5M Predict Sunday, January 20, 2013 Race #1 of the 2013 Predict Series Place Name Predict Actual Difference Points Pace 1 Dave Diaz 0:39:00 0:39:02.89 00:02.89 100.00 0:07:49 2 Justin Ricks 0:32:30 0:32:26.10 00:03.90 97.50 0:06:29 3 Ron Dehn 0:47:48 0:47:41.23 00:06.77 95.00 0:09:32 4 Charlie Gray 0:37:37 0:38:00.05 00:23.05 92.50 0:07:36 5

Spring Runoff Tune-up Predict

Spring Runoff TuneUp 10K/6.2M Predict Sunday, February 17, 2013 Race #2 of the 2013 Predict Series Place Name Predict Actual Difference Points Pace 1 Stacey Diaz 0:55:00 0:54:58.02 0:00:01.98 100.00 0:08:52 2 Bobby Valentine 0:47:00 0:47:05.84 0:00:05.84 97.96 0:07:36 3 John Dagnillo 0:58:12 0:58:18.07 0:00:06.07 95.92 0:09:24 4 Nelson Brentlinger 0:55:16 0:55:05.98 0:00:10.02 93.88 0:08:53