Runapalooza Predict

Greetings Members, Our August predict was hosted by Dave and Stacy Diaz at their Domega home.  It was a wonderful cool morning for a race and we had a turnout of 26 members and 1 guest.  Afterward we all enjoyed the social aspect of our runs with a potluck brunch and members visiting about their […]

Vision Hills Predict

Hello Members, July 15th saw us at the Gowen residence for a predict followed by a potluck social.  Thank you to Natalie and Joseph for hosting this gathering and setting a course and thanks to Danny Nelson for once again showing very early and marking the course.  We had 30 members and 8 guests participate

Peaks & Prairies @ Rob’s & Beck’s

Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler, This last Saturday we held our first predict of the year that included a potluck brunch after the run.  Members who attended expressed how much they had missed these events due to covid restrictions. Thanks to Robert and Rebecca for hosting this return to the social aspect of running.  Tom

Mineral Palace Predict Real/Virtual

Hello Everyone, I am starting a new business going around the country and timing races to help end drought conditions.  We had rain drizzle for the run, again, but at least I had the swimming pool awning for a dry area to time.  If it is raining for the next predict we will probably change

Silver Dollar Predict Real/Virtual

Greetings Everyone, Saturday was our first hosted predict run of the year and keeping in form we had cloudy cold weather to run in.  At least there was no rain, snow or wind but I think sunny weather would have brought more participants out.  Anyway, we had 18 members and 2 guests show up and