Katmandos Predict Real/Virtual

Greetings, We had a fun predict run this past Saturday and 26 members plus 3 guests came out to run on the old roadways behind Katmandos General Store in Pueblo West.  These asphalt roads have been there since Pueblo West first started and they are a great place to run as not very many cars […]

SpringRunOff Predict

Greetings, Well it was a soggy predict race as it started with a steady drizzle of rain but at least we were able to finish before the big snow hit.  We had 24 brave members plus 2 guests show up to Dutch Clark for the 3 distances available to run.  19 members also ran a

SpringRunOff Practice Predict

Hello Members, Saturday the 27th of February we held a practice for the SpringRunOff at Dutch Clark.  Our original course was planned to run on top of the levee but due to the bridge construction the trail was closed and we changed the route.  Jitka McGivney was the point winner and 32 members participated in

Valentines Predict Race

Hello, After a one week delay caused by polar air we held the Valentine Predict Race at City Park.  There was still ice patches but we worked through it.  A total of 23 members and 4 guests participated in the real run and 19 members did the virtual option.  Two of our guests were Dave

Thunder Bowl Real/Virtual Predict

Greetings, Last Saturday we held our second predict run for January at the CSUP campus using the Thunder Bowl parking lot for start/finish.  We had a good turn out with 37 members and 2 guests running the course.  As you know we had snow earlier in the week and when I met Danny at 1:00pm

Pueblo Dam Run 2021

Happy New Year, Sorry for the delay in publishing the results from our last predict but Joomla needed some work and I was unable to log in.  We had a great start to the new year with 42 members and 2 guests signing in to run last Saturday at the Pueblo Dam Predict Run.  We