Requesting Race Assistance

Process to Request Race assistance: Appoint a Race Director to coordinate with SCR. The Race Director has overall responsibility for organizing the proposed event. A more complete description of what all is involved in hosting a race can be found in the Race Director Kit. Race Director Responsibilities: Overall responsibility for organizing the proposed event, obtaining […]

SCR Race Assistance Services

Southern Colorado Runners (SCR) is an all volunteer non-profit organization devoted to promoting running and walking at all ability levels for fitness and recreation.  The club hosts their own events for the community and assists other organizations to host races as fundraisers or part of wellness campaigns. Race Assistance services provided by SCR to local

SCR Community Assistance

The SCR assists the Pueblo area in the following ways: Host several annual SCR sponsored races such as the Spring Run Off, Ordinary Mortals and Mini Mortals Triathlon, Rock Canyon Half Marathon to raise money for the club, equipment for races and community grants. Host a monthly Prediction Series Run that is free to club members and a fun social