Run for Kicks Results 2011

by Natalie Gowen | Oct 30, 2011

5K Run

    Place    Name                              City               Bib No  Age Gend          Time                        
       1    Rudy Castillo                     Pueblo  CO            669    19   M      18:26.1                       
       2    Chester Hadden                    Pueblo  CO           2024    44   M      21:24.1                       
       3    Kyle Johnston                     Pueblo  CO           2030    16   M      22:26.3                       
       4    Anthony Cozzolino                 Pueblo  CO           2015    29   M      23:18.9                       
       5    Melina Faris                      Pueblo  CO            693     9   F      23:23.3                       
       6    Willy Faris                       Pueblo  CO            692    37   M      23:29.9                       
       7    Abigail Johnston                  Pueblo  CO           2028    11   F      25:30.7                       
       8    Layken Breit                      Pueblo  CO            690    12   M      25:31.8                       
       9    Dylan Stanley                     Pueblo  CO            681    12   M      26:02.2                       
      10    Mary Porter                       Colorado City  CO    2040    49   F      26:29.7                       
      11    Michael Sumpter                   Pueblo  CO           2048    15   M      26:45.8                       
      12    Randy Romero                      Pueblo  CO           2044    14   M      28:37.6                       
      13    Steven Rastrelli                  Pueblo  CO           2042    14   M      28:38.8                       
      14    Amanda Blickenderfer              Pueblo  CO            698    11   F      28:45.4                       
      15    Jennings Tiller                   Pueblo West  CO      2050     7   M      28:46.0                       
      16    Robert Coultrip                   Pueblo  CO            687    34   M      28:56.7                       
      17    Felicia Stitt                     Pueblo  CO           2046    17   F      29:21.0                       
      18    Becky Doidge                      Pueblo  CO            684    36   F      29:43.3                       
      19    Jerry Tiller                      Pueblo West  CO      2051    46   M      29:46.0                       
      20    Dorothy Baxter                    Pueblo West  CO      2004    53   F      31:35.1                       
      21    Frank Johnson                     Pueblo  CO           2027    18   M      32:35.4                       
      22    Stephanie Johnston                Pueblo  CO           2031    17   F      32:36.0                       
      23    Jennifer Breit                    Pueblo  CO            689    40   F      32:54.3                       
      24    Ashtyn Breit                      Pueblo  CO            691    11   F      32:58.6                       
      25    Kristi Bartolo                    Pueblo  CO           2003    17   F      32:59.7                       
      26    Felicia Nelms                                          2038    33   F      33:29.1                       
      27    Jamie Gott                        Pueblo  CO           2022    31   F      35:15.2                       
      28    Alexis Doidge                     Pueblo  CO            686    12   F      35:17.9                       
      29    Brooke Musso                      Pueblo  CO            674     7   F      35:20.4                       
      30    Alexa Musso                       Pueblo  CO            672    10   F      35:33.2                       
      31    Caitlyn Woolley                   Pueblo  CO            700    14   F      36:07.7                       
      32    Jessica Eavenson                  Pueblo  CO            699    13   F      36:08.2                       
      33    James Doidge                      Pueblo  CO            685     8   M      36:12.8                       
      34    Mailee Holley                     Pueblo  CO            682     8   F      36:22.1                       
      35    Chris Holley                      Pueblo  CO            683    37   M      36:22.7                       
      36    Babes McCabe                      Pueblo  CO           2037     8   F      36:39.2                       
      37    Logan Stanley                     Pueblo  CO            680     9   M      36:41.5                       
      38    Shyanne Bauer                     Pueblo  CO            671    10   F      42:34.3                       
      39    Ray Campbell                      Avondale  CO          670    10   M      43:00.2                       
      40    Elizabeth Clymer                  Pueblo  CO           2009    10   F      43:19.2                       
      41    Bill Clymer                       Pueblo  CO           2008    46   M      43:22.5                       
      42    Michelle Musso                    Pueblo  CO            673    44   F      46:55.0                       
      43    Karen Rastrelli                   Pueblo  CO           2041    51   F      48:22.5                       
      44    Jordan Tiller                     Pueblo West  CO      2052     5   M      50:13.9                       
      45    Sheri Tiller                      Pueblo West  CO      2053    43   F      50:14.6                       


5K Walk

    Place    Name                              City               Bib No  Age Gend          Time                        
       1    Halee Johnston                    Pueblo  CO           2029    14   F      33:55.8                       
       2    Robbie Trujillo                   Pueblo West  CO      2055    13   M      42:45.6                       
       3    Wyatt Armstrong                   Pueblo West  CO       678     8   M      46:59.2                       
       4    Bailey Gott                       Pueblo  CO           2021     8   F      46:59.8                       
       5    Tiffanie Krupka                   Pueblo  CO           2034    32   F      48:11.2                       
       6    Haily Krupka                      Pueblo  CO           2032     8   F      48:12.7                       
       7    Debbie Blick                      Pueblo  CO            697    50   F      49:29.9                       
       8    Tanner Armstrong                  Pueblo West  CO       677     7   M      50:05.2                       
       9    Cheri Armstrong                   Pueblo West  CO       679    31   F      50:41.8                       
      10    Kristopher Gott                   Pueblo  CO           2023     5   M      51:43.8                       
      11    Kathy Shapiro                     Pueblo  CO           2045    47   F      51:53.1                       
      12    Kathleen Defazio                  Pueblo  CO           2016    78   F      51:54.2                       
      13    Rochelle Stringer                 Pueblo  CO           2047    50   F      52:15.1                       
      14    Phil Trujillo                     Pueblo West  CO      2054    45   M      52:46.1                       
      15    Greg Styduhar                     Pueblo  CO            675    37   M      53:37.1                       
      16    Melissa Styduhar                  Pueblo  CO            676    31   F      53:38.1                       
      17    Betty Mc Claran                   Pueblo  CO            688    61   F      1:01:39.5                       
      18    Jean Gibson                       Pueblo  CO           2019    50   F      1:05:46.1                       
      19    Joan Gibson                       Pueblo  CO           2020    50   F      1:05:50.0                       

Volunteer Support

We’d like to thank the volunteers who helped to make this race possible:

Race Director: Julie Johnston
Club Liaison: Paul LaBar and Paulette Arns
Finish Line: Paul LaBar and TBA
Results: Paulette Arns and Don Pfost
Course Marshalls and Water Stops: TBA
Course Marking: Paul LaBar
Lead Bike and Sweep Bike: TBA