Mad Max's Trail Adventure Prediction Run

by Natalie Gowen | Nov 14, 2011

Mad Max’s Trail Adventure Prediction Run

3/21/10 – 4.8 Mile and 8.9 Mile
Races #3 and #4 of the 2010 Prediction Series

As reported by Carrie Turman

8.9 Mile

    Name                       Predict    Actual    Variance    Points
  1 Justin Ricks              1:03:00  1:03:04.69       4.69    100.00
  2 Dave Diaz                 1:30:00  1:34:42.81    4:42.81     88.89
  3 Aaron Levinson            1:15:00  1:22:39.33    7:39.33     77.78
  4 Laurice Lopez-Cepero      1:45:00  1:55:01.11   10:01.11     66.67
  5 Carol Kinzy               1:45:01  1:55:18.31   10:17.31     55.56
  6 Bill Giebel               1:43:00  1:30:54.31   12:05.69     44.44
  7 Robert Santoyo            1:35:00  1:54:59.22   19:59.22     33.33
  8 Anthony Diaz              1:45:02  2:13:44.92   28:42.92     22.22
  9 Richard Emond             2:15:00  4:35:00.00 2:20:00.00     11.11

4.8 Mile

    Name                       Predict    Actual    Variance    Points
  1 Riki Acosta               1:03:00  1:02:33.62      26.38    100.00
  2 Emily Batson                43:15    43:51.00      36.00     95.24
  3 Steve Wall                  43:30    44:44.00    1:14.00     90.48
  4 Rich Acosta               1:00:00    57:31.02    2:28.98     85.71
  5 Brian Ropp                  40:00    43:29.00    3:29.00     80.95
  6 Cecil Townsend              51:00    54:38.23    3:38.23     76.19
  7 Bill Veges                  47:00    51:16.06    4:16.06     71.43
  8 Carrie Turman               49:30    54:19.74    4:49.74     66.67
  9 Donald Moore                43:00    48:23.99    5:23.99     61.90
 10 Shawn Loppnow               36:06    41:47.40    5:41.40     57.14
 11 Leona Spracklin             45:00    51:00.98    6:00.98     52.38
 12 Dru Marshall                42:00    48:06.23    6:06.23     47.62
 13 Paulette Arns               53:47  1:00:17.41    6:30.41     42.86
 14 Rebecca Wehner              42:00    48:33.02    6:33.02     38.10
 15 Frank Lopez-Cepero          47:00    54:38.00    7:38.00     33.33
 16 Dennis Wait               1:01:00  1:10:15.43    9:15.43     28.57
 17 Trisha Davis                45:00    54:47.43    9:47.43     23.81
 18 Nina Gonzales               57:18  1:09:48.53   12:30.53     19.05
 19 Peggy Oreskovich          1:23:00  1:09:44.31   13:15.69     14.29
 20 Stacey Diaz               1:24:00  1:09:48.53   14:11.47      9.52
 21 Jesse Quintana              45:45  1:17:11.07   31:26.07      4.76


Volunteer Support

We’d like to thank the volunteers who helped to make this race possible:

Race Directors: Emily Batson and Brian Ropp
Volunteers: Jason Parker, Gary Kummer, Robert Quintana, Gary Franchi, Levi Ropp, Leanne Ropp, Mary Humphreys, Kerry Roman, Marilyn Vargas and her three children.
Results: Carrie Turman