Spirit Fest 5K Run

by Natalie Gowen | Nov 14, 2011

Spirit Fest 5K Run

Overall Finish List

June 12, 2010

Results by Southern Colorado Runners

    Place    Name                    City               Bib No Age     Age Group       Time                        
       1    Luke Aragon             Pueblo  CO           1980   18 ***** M 15-19      19:20.0                       
       2    Rich Hadley             Florence  CO         1973   54     1 M 50-59      19:46.0                       
       3    Chris Madison           Pueblo  CO           1928   22     1 M 20-29      20:24.0                       
       4    Michael Guenther        Monument  CO         1967   48     1 M 40-49      20:54.0                       
       5    Chris Riley             pueblo  CO           1943   49     2 M 40-49      21:17.0                       
       6    Brian Ropp              Pueblo  CO           1945   46     3 M 40-49      21:26.0                       
       7    Donny Simony            Pueblo  CO           1949   37     1 M 30-39      21:32.0                       
       8    Tim Garrett             Pueblo West  CO      1977   32     2 M 30-39      21:55.0                       
       9    Ashlee Romani           Florence  CO         1971   23 ***** F 20-29      22:17.0                       
      10    Aaron Romani            Florence  CO         1970   21     2 M 20-29      22:24.0                       
      11    Andre Crosby            Colorado Springs  C  1979   25     3 M 20-29      22:42.0                       
      12    Aimee Stilson           Pueblo  CO           1952   23     1 F 20-29      23:59.0                       
      13    Kevin Hughes            Pueblo  CO           1923   10     1 M  0-14      24:02.0                       
      14    Jeremiah Velasquez      Pueblo  CO           1963   20     4 M 20-29      24:14.0                       
      15    Shannon Rodriguez       Pueblo  CO           1944   36     3 M 30-39      24:15.0                       
      16    Caitlyn ONeil           Pueblo  CO           1938   17     1 F 15-19      24:39.0                       
      17    Bob Gassen              Canon City  CO       1981   63     1 M 60-99      24:53.0                       
      18    CATHERINE GOMEZ         PUEBLO  CO           1917   54     1 F 50-59      24:57.0                       
      19    Mary Humphreys          Pueblo West  CO      1927   47     1 F 40-49      25:01.0                       
      20    Karlie Musso            Pueblo West  CO      1937   22     2 F 20-29      25:40.0                       
      21    Melanie Milyard         Pueblo  CO           1936   33     1 F 30-39      25:44.0                       
      22    Tim Simon               holly  CO            1947   42     4 M 40-49      25:51.0                       
      23    Scott Bailey            Pueblo West  CO      1907   53     2 M 50-59      26:13.0                       
      24    Penny Vercelline        Pueblo  CO           1964   38     2 F 30-39      26:17.0                       
      25    Megan Hall              Pueblo  CO           1920   17     2 F 15-19      26:41.0                       
      26    Donald Hall             Pueblo  CO           1919   53     3 M 50-59      26:43.0                       
      27    Lee Madison             Pueblo  CO           1929   57     4 M 50-59      27:02.0                       
      28    Stan Moore              Pueblo  CO           1978   52     5 M 50-59      27:51.0                       
      29    Rachel Lawler           Pueblo  CO           1982   26     3 F 20-29      27:53.0                       
      30    Blake Simony            Pueblo  CO           1948   13     2 M  0-14      27:55.0                       
      31    Devin Mattorano         Pueblo               1969   11     3 M  0-14      28:02.0                       
      32    Ramon Arriaga           Pueblo  CO           1904   32     4 M 30-39      28:09.0                       
      33    Jeff Algien             Pueblo               1968   32     5 M 30-39      28:10.0                       
      34    Adrian Soto             Pueblo  CO           1950   10     4 M  0-14      28:26.0                       
      35    Levi Turner             Pueblo  CO           1956   24     5 M 20-29      28:27.0                       
      36    Jimmy Cardinal          Pueblo  CO           1909   31     6 M 30-39      28:30.0                       
      37    Kieran Hughes           Pueblo  CO           1924   40     5 M 40-49      28:35.0                       
      38    Kira Hughes             Pueblo  CO           1925    7     1 F  0-14      28:36.0                       
      39    Deb Hadley              Florence  CO         1972   53     2 F 50-59      28:50.0                       
      40    Gayle Perez             Pueblo  CO           1939   45     2 F 40-49      29:04.0                       
      41    Mark Chorak             Pueblo  CO           1913   43     6 M 40-49      29:05.0                       
      42    Megan Petros            Pueblo  CO           1942   26     4 F 20-29      29:14.0                       
      43    Jocelyn Gonzales        Pueblo West  CO      1918   19     3 F 15-19      29:15.0                       
      44    Jennifer Breit          Pueblo  CO           1908   38     3 F 30-39      29:19.0                       
      45    Sheena Archuleta        Pueblo  CO           1903   33     4 F 30-39      29:31.0                       
      46    Dan Comden              Pueblo  CO           1976   56     6 M 50-59      29:34.0                       
      47    Melanie Hughes          Pueblo  CO           1926   38     5 F 30-39      29:52.0                       
      48    Riki Acosta             Pueblo  CO           1901   37     6 F 30-39      30:37.0                       
      49    kathleen perry          Pueblo West  CO      1941   44     3 F 40-49      30:42.0                       
      50    brad doss               pueblo west  CO      1914   19     1 M 15-19      30:43.0                       
      51    Jennelle Chorak         Pueblo  CO           1912   29     5 F 20-29      31:18.0                       
      52    Maria Aragon            Pueblo  CO           1902   29     6 F 20-29      31:34.0                       
      53    Rose Hayes              Pueblo  CO           1922   50     3 F 50-59      31:55.0                       
      54    Roger Weitzel           Pueblo  CO           1966   50     7 M 50-59      32:10.0                       
      55    Kim Graham              La Junta  CO         1983   15     4 F 15-19      32:11.0                       
      56    Brian Rusler            Pueblo  CO           1946   50     8 M 50-59      32:17.0                       
      57    Richard Perko           Pueblo  CO           1940   31     7 M 30-39      32:29.0                       
      58    Loraine Torres          Pueblo  CO           1954   41     4 F 40-49      32:32.0                       
      59    Roberto Torres          Pueblo  CO           1955   41     7 M 40-49      32:33.0                       
      60    Leslie Martinez         Pueblo  CO           1934   61     1 F 60-99      33:03.0                       
      61    Sara Cardinal           Pueblo  CO           1910   31     7 F 30-39      33:26.0                       
      62    JD Eckland              Pueblo  CO           1915   45     8 M 40-49      34:19.0                       
      63    Filomeno Meno Vargas    Pueblo West  CO      1958    9     5 M  0-14      34:20.0                       
      64    Sandy Martinez          Pueblo  CO           1935   37     8 F 30-39      34:44.0                       
      65    Yaneth Carrera          Pueblo  CO           1974   34     9 F 30-39      34:55.0                       
      66    LaRita Soto             Pueblo  CO           1951   35    10 F 30-39      34:56.0                       
      67    Gae Ryan                Pueblo  CO           1975   39    11 F 30-39      38:02.0                       
      68    Jaylen Vargas           Pueblo West  CO      1959   12     2 F  0-14      40:55.0                       
      69    Marilyn Vargas          Pueblo West  CO      1960   46     5 F 40-49      40:56.0                       
      70    Bindi Vigil             Pueblo  CO           1965   30    12 F 30-39      41:08.0                       
      71    Tracy Atilano           Pueblo  CO           1906   45     6 F 40-49      41:55.0                       
      72    Rosalinda Vargas        Pueblo West  CO      1961   10     3 F  0-14      45:22.0                       

Volunteer Support

We’d like to thank the volunteers who helped with the Spring Runoff 2010. This is only a partial list of the many people young and old who volunteered their time to make this great race possible:

Race Director: Hilbert Navarro
Club Liasaon, Course and Lead Bike: Dave Diaz
Course Marshalls: Maria Weaver, Claudia Martinez, TBA
Finish Line: Paulette Arns, Maria Warner, Alan Warner, TBA
Registration: Paul LaBar, Paulette Arns, Ruth McDonald, Claudia Martinez, TBA
Results: Paul LaBar and Dave Diaz