Hot-to-Trot 2010
by Natalie Gowen | Nov 14, 2011
Overall Finish List
September 26, 2010
Results by Southern Colorado Runners
5K Run
Place Name City Bib No Age Gend Age Group Time 1 Levi Medina Pueblo CO 2808 23 M ***** 20-29 15:37.3 2 Gerald Romero Colorado Springs C 2824 39 M 1 30-39 16:44.7 3 Brandon Supernaw Colorado Springs C 2789 14 M 1 13-19 17:15.8 4 Zachary Alhamra Colorado Springs C 2654 13 M 2 13-19 17:25.2 5 Charlie Gray Pueblo CO 2771 56 M 1 50-59 17:45.7 6 Aaron Levinson Pueblo CO 2807 21 M 1 20-29 18:17.3 7 Michael De La Cruz Pueblo CO 2766 29 M 2 20-29 18:20.0 8 Luke Aragon Pueblo CO 2763 19 M 3 13-19 19:01.4 9 Matt Sherman Pueblo West CO 2811 38 M 2 30-39 19:07.8 10 Rich Hadley Florence CO 2816 54 M 2 50-59 19:33.6 11 Rory Valentish Pueblo CO 2792 12 M 1 0-12 19:46.1 12 Mark Gurule Pueblo CO 2773 48 M 1 40-49 19:50.6 13 justin gutierrez pueblo CO 2697 36 M 3 30-39 20:09.2 14 Ana Bentz Pueblo West CO 2663 35 F ***** 30-39 20:27.3 15 Andy Fox Pueblo CO 2688 21 M 3 20-29 20:39.2 16 Chris Markert Pueblo CO 2716 33 M 4 30-39 20:43.5 17 Shannon Martellaro West Hollywood CA 2718 31 F 1 30-39 20:54.4 18 Roderick Ware Pueblo West CO 2825 34 M 5 30-39 21:01.7 19 Chris Riley Pueblo CO 2818 49 M 2 40-49 21:16.3 20 David Baker Pueblo CO 2764 52 M 3 50-59 21:21.5 21 Mark Koch Pueblo CO 2710 51 M 4 50-59 21:26.4 22 John Roman Pueblo CO 2735 66 M 1 60-69 21:30.8 23 Matt Comden Trinidad CO 2821 24 M 4 20-29 21:42.1 24 Ian Parker Pueblo CO 2784 16 M 4 13-19 21:59.6 25 Gene Mares Pueblo CO 2780 47 M 3 40-49 22:03.4 26 Stephanie Hirst Cocoa Beach FL 2700 25 F 1 20-29 22:11.5 27 Mark Feinsinger Carbondale CO 2767 41 M 4 40-49 22:14.3 28 Robert Santoyo Pueblo CO 2741 48 M 5 40-49 22:21.9 29 Madeline ALhamra Colorado Springs C 2653 11 F 1 0-12 22:22.7 30 Kevin Hughes Pueblo CO 2703 11 M 2 0-12 22:23.3 31 Laurice Lopez-Cepero Pueblo CO 2714 39 F 2 30-39 22:25.7 32 Jeff Mize Pueblo West CO 2796 48 M 6 40-49 22:29.2 33 Ken Hughes Pueblo CO 2702 40 M 7 40-49 22:40.4 34 Darin German Pueblo CO 2693 16 M 5 13-19 22:40.8 35 Derrick McCabe Pueblo CO 2720 39 M 6 30-39 22:47.7 36 Frank Lopez-Cepero Pueblo CO 2713 42 M 8 40-49 22:50.9 37 Paula McCabe Pueblo CO 2721 38 F 3 30-39 22:55.2 38 Billy Mares Pueblo CO 2778 44 M 9 40-49 23:09.3 39 Michael Shepherd Pueblo West CO 2742 34 M 7 30-39 23:11.6 40 Stephen Gengo Pueblo West CO 2769 21 M 5 20-29 23:24.3 41 Kris Spinuzzi Pueblo CO 2747 41 F 1 40-49 23:27.1 42 Marge Gray Pueblo CO 2772 54 F 1 50-59 23:37.0 43 Tracy Fuller Pueblo West CO 2692 29 F 2 20-29 23:41.3 44 Jimmy Fuller Pueblo West CO 2691 39 M 8 30-39 23:42.1 45 Shannon Rodriguez Pueblo CO 2734 36 M 9 30-39 23:44.1 46 Michael Allen Colorado Springs C 2655 60 M 2 60-69 23:50.2 47 Angela Hernandez Trinidad CO 2776 46 F 2 40-49 23:52.9 48 Carol Kinzy Pueblo CO 2707 62 F 1 60-69 24:03.0 49 Tanya Van Wagenen Pueblo CO 2820 37 F 4 30-39 24:17.2 50 Melanie Milyard pueblo CO 2725 33 F 5 30-39 24:26.0 51 Michael Cook Pueblo CO 2677 43 M 10 40-49 24:27.9 52 Gil Sanchez Chico CA 2739 57 M 5 50-59 24:33.6 53 Roberto Torres Pueblo CO 2756 42 M 11 40-49 24:49.4 54 Janelle Markert Pueblo CO 2717 32 F 6 30-39 25:01.0 55 Michael Sumpter Pueblo CO 2752 14 M 6 13-19 25:06.7 56 Adrian Soto Pueblo CO 2804 10 M 3 0-12 25:13.4 57 Marijane Martinez Pueblo CO 2719 58 F 2 50-59 25:14.5 58 Anthony Soto Pueblo CO 2803 9 M 4 0-12 25:20.7 59 Angela Kleven Pueblo CO 2708 11 F 2 0-12 25:21.9 60 Sean Maher Pueblo CO 2817 30 M 10 30-39 25:28.3 61 Stanley Moore Pueblo CO 2727 52 M 6 50-59 25:32.4 62 Damian Pritts Pueblo West CO 2728 40 M 12 40-49 25:33.3 63 Tara Lindsey-Chavez Arvada CO 2712 20 F 3 20-29 25:36.2 64 David DiPrince La Junta CO 2684 35 M 11 30-39 25:38.5 65 Noah Usry Pueblo West CO 2759 15 M 7 13-19 25:43.6 66 Trisha Davis Pueblo West CO 2682 59 F 3 50-59 25:45.4 67 Patrick Swank Pueblo CO 2753 62 M 3 60-69 25:48.6 68 Nicole Pritts Pueblo West CO 2729 35 F 7 30-39 25:50.2 69 Rick Acosta pueblo CO 2650 58 M 7 50-59 25:54.9 70 Raul San Miguel Pueblo CO 2737 60 M 4 60-69 25:56.9 71 Abby Simpson Pueblo CO 2743 16 F 1 13-19 25:58.4 72 Mary Humphreys Pueblo West CO 2706 48 F 3 40-49 26:01.6 73 Ramon Arriaga Pueblo CO 2659 32 M 12 30-39 26:02.7 74 John Castanha Rye CO 2765 50 M 8 50-59 26:20.7 75 Michael Dowart Pueblo CO 2795 36 M 13 30-39 26:21.6 76 Susan Hirst Colorado Springs C 2701 49 F 4 40-49 26:32.5 77 John Reed Pueblo CO 2731 44 M 13 40-49 26:37.7 78 Mike Borton Pueblo CO 2665 54 M 9 50-59 26:49.6 79 Debbie Gurule Pueblo CO 2696 46 F 5 40-49 26:52.5 80 Martha Drake Pueblo West CO 2685 56 F 4 50-59 26:53.9 81 Hugh Parker Pueblo CO 2783 56 M 10 50-59 26:55.1 82 Theresa Garcia 2813 50 F 5 50-59 26:56.5 83 Josh Messner Denver CO 2724 28 M 6 20-29 26:58.0 84 Elisha Tucci Pueblo CO 2791 32 F 8 30-39 27:11.5 85 Edward Villaneuva 2810 45 M 14 40-49 27:17.6 86 Jocelyn Gonzales Pueblo West CO 2770 19 F 2 13-19 27:18.9 87 Chris Sanchez pueblo CO 2738 42 M 15 40-49 27:19.7 88 Benjamin Sandoval Pueblo CO 2740 27 M 7 20-29 27:20.3 89 Deb Hadley Florence CO 2815 53 F 6 50-59 27:21.3 90 Bryce Boyer Pueblo West CO 2666 39 M 14 30-39 27:25.0 91 Gloria Montoya Pueblo CO 2782 62 F 2 60-69 27:26.2 92 Jennifer DeGrado Pueblo CO 2683 33 F 9 30-39 27:39.2 93 Felicia Mares Pueblo CO 2779 26 F 4 20-29 27:40.3 94 Jamie Vigil Salida CO 2801 45 F 6 40-49 27:47.8 95 Jennifer Breit Pueblo CO 2667 39 F 10 30-39 27:49.5 96 Josef Bonney Salida CO 2799 20 M 8 20-29 27:53.7 97 Amber Stohner Denver CO 2750 28 F 5 20-29 27:58.2 98 Zachary Cook Pueblo CO 2679 11 M 5 0-12 28:02.6 99 Mark Chorak Pueblo CO 2674 43 M 16 40-49 28:10.5 100 Melanie Hughes Pueblo CO 2705 39 F 11 30-39 28:12.0 Place Name City Bib No Age Gend Age Group Time 101 Ashlee Guadagnoli Pueblo CO 2695 24 F 6 20-29 28:15.5 102 Tracey Cook Pueblo CO 2678 36 F 12 30-39 28:30.1 103 Jimmy Cardinal Pueblo CO 2822 36 M 15 30-39 28:38.5 104 Neil Chapman Colorado Springs C 2672 42 M 17 40-49 28:45.5 105 Michelle Chapman Colorado Springs C 2671 42 F 7 40-49 28:48.2 106 Clif Thompson Pueblo CO 2790 45 M 18 40-49 28:52.5 107 riki acosta pueblo CO 2651 38 F 13 30-39 29:13.2 108 Eileen Baracz Canon City CO 2661 62 F 3 60-69 29:16.1 109 Dan Comden Pueblo CO 2676 56 M 11 50-59 29:16.9 110 Cathy Quintana Pueblo CO 2785 40 F 8 40-49 29:23.9 111 Matthew Mares Pueblo CO 2781 27 M 9 20-29 29:28.8 112 Angie Fillmore Boone CO 2686 31 F 14 30-39 29:31.1 113 Rachel Lawler pueblo CO 2711 26 F 7 20-29 29:31.9 114 Payton Aragon Pueblo West CO 2657 15 M 8 13-19 29:33.3 115 Renee Trujillo Pueblo West CO 2798 37 F 15 30-39 29:39.9 116 Kimbre Clark Pueblo West CO 2675 24 F 8 20-29 30:03.4 117 Richard Wyland Jr Walsenburg CO 2762 56 M 12 50-59 30:07.5 118 Pete Wories Cedar Lake IN 2793 63 M 5 60-69 30:08.9 119 Jessica Sisneros Pueblo CO 2787 29 F 9 20-29 30:09.9 120 Skyler Davis Pueblo CO 2794 15 F 3 13-19 30:35.0 121 Sarah Mize Pueblo West CO 2800 15 F 4 13-19 30:35.7 122 Florence McKercher Pueblo CO 2722 29 F 10 20-29 30:38.0 123 ELIZABETH Wallin Pueblo CO 2760 24 F 11 20-29 30:52.8 124 Mark Davis Pueblo CO 2681 37 M 16 30-39 30:54.1 125 Anna Simpson Pueblo CO 2786 25 F 12 20-29 30:57.5 126 Nina Gonzales Pueblo West CO 2826 28 F 13 20-29 31:07.0 127 Mark Steves Pueblo CO 2748 58 M 13 50-59 31:13.8 128 Margarito Fuentes Jr Pueblo CO 2689 58 M 14 50-59 31:17.0 129 Peyton Roth Pueblo CO 2797 11 M 6 0-12 31:18.7 130 Hilbert Navarro Pueblo CO 2802 70 M 1 70-99 31:33.1 131 Debby Reed Silver cliff CO 2730 58 F 7 50-59 31:57.9 132 Adriana Arteaga Pueblo CO 2660 29 F 14 20-29 31:59.0 133 Erin Messner Denver CO 2723 28 F 15 20-29 31:59.9 134 Robert Gonzales Pueblo CO 2694 44 M 19 40-49 32:00.7 135 Mary Jean Gradisar Parker CO 2814 53 F 8 50-59 32:02.7 136 Mark Kleven Pueblo CO 2709 40 M 20 40-49 32:07.8 137 Sara Cardinal Pueblo CO 2823 31 F 16 30-39 32:27.8 138 Kira Hughes Pueblo CO 2704 8 F 3 0-12 32:30.8 139 Rachael Calkins Pueblo CO 2669 35 F 17 30-39 32:37.5 140 Matthew Sparks Pueblo West CO 2746 40 M 21 40-49 32:50.1 141 Jennelle Chorak Pueblo CO 2673 30 F 18 30-39 33:15.9 142 Janette Herrera Pueblo CO 2699 47 F 9 40-49 33:31.7 143 Karen Sison Pueblo CO 2744 26 F 16 20-29 33:37.9 144 Rene Brown 2819 48 F 10 40-49 34:30.6 145 Spencer Aragon Pueblo West CO 2658 9 M 7 0-12 34:53.9 146 adam aragon pueblo west CO 2656 32 M 17 30-39 34:56.9 147 Chandler Sparks Pueblo West CO 2745 11 M 8 0-12 35:13.2 148 Jalyn Robinson Pueblo CO 2733 40 F 11 40-49 35:15.4 149 Josephine Hernandez Pueblo CO 2698 33 F 19 30-39 35:24.0 150 Ignacio Garcia Pueblo CO 2768 49 M 22 40-49 35:55.1 151 Gina Garcia Pueblo West CO 2788 42 F 12 40-49 35:56.1 152 Susan Campbell Pueblo CO 2670 65 F 4 60-69 36:15.0 153 Spree Walls pueblo CO 2761 16 F 5 13-19 36:16.2 154 madeline belarde Pueblo West CO 2662 57 F 9 50-59 36:40.4 155 Ralph Regalado Pueblo CO 2732 73 M 2 70-99 36:48.9 156 Genevieve Ackley Pueblo CO 2805 24 F 17 20-29 36:51.3 157 Jodie Roman 2812 30 F 20 30-39 37:07.4 158 Laura Updike La Junta CO 2757 32 F 21 30-39 37:20.2 159 Brigitte Juarez Pueblo CO 2806 60 F 5 60-69 37:33.4 160 Daniel Usry Pueblo West CO 2758 11 M 9 0-12 37:39.4 161 Eva Torres Pueblo CO 2754 9 F 4 0-12 37:49.8 162 Loraine Torres Pueblo CO 2755 41 F 13 40-49 38:05.4 163 Donna Ruzich Beulah CO 2736 41 F 14 40-49 38:07.6 164 Susan Steves Pueblo CO 2749 57 F 10 50-59 38:39.4 165 Laura Fossceco pueblo CO 2687 33 F 22 30-39 39:25.2 166 Brian Bentz Pueblo West CO 2664 40 M 23 40-49 39:44.0 167 Paula Johnson Pueblo West CO 2777 28 F 18 20-29 41:29.1 168 Taylor Aguilar Pueblo West CO 2652 17 F 6 13-19 42:24.5 169 Maggie Lopez Pueblo CO 2809 55 F 11 50-59 42:52.2 170 Gage Haman Pueblo CO 2774 7 M 10 0-12 44:41.8 171 Kim Haman Pueblo CO 2775 33 F 23 30-39 44:42.3 172 Judy Macias Highlands Ranch CO 2715 49 F 15 40-49 51:12.8
2M Walk
Place Name City Bib No Age Gend Age Group Time 1 Kristy Renzelman Pueblo CO 3739 39 F 1 0-99 23:23.1 2 Joyce Laney Pueblo CO 3735 61 F 2 0-99 23:23.9 3 Pauline Romero Pueblo CO 3740 58 F 3 0-99 23:39.6 4 Sandi Boyer Pueblo West CO 3731 43 F 4 0-99 24:50.2 5 Sherry Sisk Dacono CO 3742 49 F 5 0-99 29:33.3 6 Kenny Lira Dacono CO 3736 46 M 1 0-99 29:34.2 7 Bea Jones Pueblo CO 3733 65 F 6 0-99 33:38.9 8 Marvin Jones Pueblo CO 3734 66 M 2 0-99 33:40.0 9 Kimberly Sparks Pueblo West CO 3745 37 F 7 0-99 39:37.0 10 Ally Sparks Pueblo West CO 3743 8 F 8 0-99 39:40.4 11 Jan Pullin Pueblo CO 3755 60 F 9 0-99 39:48.6 12 Kay Stark 3754 58 F 10 0-99 39:49.8 13 Julie Porter Pueblo West CO 3752 52 F 11 0-99 40:01.2 14 Herman Sparks Pueblo CO 3744 63 M 3 0-99 40:03.4 15 Phyllis Sparks Pueblo CO 3746 60 F 12 0-99 40:04.2 16 Rena Ryberg Spearville KS 3741 42 F 13 0-99 41:33.9 17 Marti Aberson Spearville KS 3730 50 F 14 0-99 41:34.7 18 Cynthia Fuentes Pueblo CO 3732 59 F 15 0-99 41:49.5 19 Maureen Carrol Pueblo CO 3753 50 F 16 0-99 41:50.4 20 Timea Kennedy Pueblo CO 3750 33 F 17 0-99 41:55.9 21 Tunde Duma Denver CO 3749 44 F 18 0-99 41:56.5 22 Jennie Martellaro Pueblo CO 3737 78 F 19 0-99 42:47.4 23 Diane Stohner Aurora CO 3747 56 F 20 0-99 42:48.6 24 Charlene Martellaro Pueblo CO 3751 51 F 21 0-99 42:49.6
Volunteer Support
We’d like to thank the volunteers who helped make this race possible:
Race Directors: Ruth McDonald and Shelley Riddock
Club Liaison: Don Pfost
Finish Line: Paul LaBar, Kim Arline, Lois Pfost, Bill Veges, Anthony Diaz, Dennis Wait, Marv Jones, Marcus Gurule, Jessica Klevens and Charlie Lucero
Registration: Tim Kraemer, Paulette Arns, Don Pfost and Bea Jones
Results: Paulette Arns and Don Pfost
Course: Jeff Arnold
Lead Bike and Course Marking: Mike Archuleta
Photographer: Larry Volk