2009 Spirit Fest on the Riverwalk Run

by Natalie Gowen | Nov 16, 2011

2009 Spirit Fest on the Riverwalk Run

5K run held on Saturday June 13, 2009 at the Riverwalk in Pueblo.

Place  Name                Age Sex   Time
    1  Levi Medina          22  M    16:19
    2  Aaron Levinson       20  M    20:14
    3  Regie Marquez        32  M    20:58
    4  Conrad Schanze       10  M    21:29
    5  Austin Briggs        31  M    21:55
    6  Donny Simony         36  M    21:57
    7  Manny DeYoung        47  M    22:07
    8  David Baker          31  M    22:22
    9  Chris Riley          48  M    22:26
   10  John Roman           64  M    22:27
   11  Joe Stommel          59  M    22:30
   12  Domingo Santisteven  14  M    23:03
   13  Craig Johnson        44  M    23:12
   14  Paul Larson          30  M    23:13
   15  Kallene West         30  F    23:16
   16  Aaron Ruiz           26  M    24:33
   17  Chuck Rasmussen      50  M    24:59
   18  Bob Gassen           62  M    25:16
   19  Catherine Gomez      53  F    25:29
   20  Shawn Reid           24  M    26:09
   21  Steven Kirkendall    25  M    26:19
   22  Scott Bailey         52  M    27:09
   23  Lee Charles Madison  56  M    27:25
   24  Rob Archuleta        36  M    27:28
   25  Deanna June Platt    30  F    27:48
   26  Alicia Aune          13  F    28:31
   27  Marilyn Vargas       45  F    28:33
   28  Alison Kochenberger  28  F    28:40
   29  Andrea Neu           18  F    28:52
   30  Jessica Kepler       34  F    28:54
   31  Cyndia Lee           46  F    28:58
   32  Rick Acosta          57  M    29:04
   33  Eve Fogarty          34  F    29:07
   34  Cathleen Larson      24  F    29:24
   35  Felix Vargas         16  M    30:21
   36  Andrea Thornton      41  F    30:43
   37  Glen Schaffer        43  M    30:45
   38  Alexis Anderson      18  F    30:55
   39  Sherrie Anderson     51  F    31:15
   40  Dan Archuleta        46  M    31:24
   41  Eileen Baracz        61  F    31:33
   42  Riki Acosta          36  F    31:34
   43  Milt Peterson        56  M    31:43
   44  Kayla Contreras      16  F    32:34
   45  Bobbi Jo Aune        32  F    34:10
   46  Rose Hayes           49  F    35:22
   47  Sheena Archuleta     32  F    35:33
   48  Cristy Lore-Davis    51  F    36:02
   49  Nick Grace           38  M    36:14
   50  Deanna Lee           17  F    36:47
   51  Cynthia Ellingson    41  F    38:48
   52  Filomeno Vargas       8  M    40:44
   53  Gilbert Archuletta   58  M    45:15
   54  Pegi Lynn Crates     59  F    45:51
   55  Debi Stephens        54  F    45:52
   56  Kellie Carter        31  F    46:23
   57  Rosalinda Vargas      9  F    46:41
   58  Kathleen DeFazio     75  F    47:21
   59  Jaylen Vargas        11  F    47:31
   60  Brandon Humphrey     34  M  1:03:03
   61  Monika LeDoux        30  F  1:03:05
   62  Lisa Castillo        39  F  1:13:58
   63  Shawna Dupree        42  F  1:13:59
   64  Delores Spinnuzzi    73  F  1:14:08
   65  Lucia Cordova        57  F  1:16:43


Volunteer Support

We’d like to thank the volunteers who helped to make this race possible:

Race Director: Hilbert Navarro
Finish Line: Dennis Wait, Pixie & Ken Raich, Mike Archuleta
Registration: Ruth McDonald
Photographer: Ron Dehn
Results: Paulette Arns, Dave Diaz