Ben and Matt's Trail Mix Prediction Run

by Natalie Gowen | Nov 16, 2011

Ben and Matt’s Trail Mix Prediction Run

4/29/2007 – 10.2 Miles
Nature Center Ungroomed Trails
Race #3 of the 2007 Prediction Series

As reported by Don Pfost

The promise of a scenic and challenging course on the ungroomed trails west of the Nature Center, plus good weather, contributed to an enthusiastic and sizeable turnout.  Refreshments were served after the run.

Runners predicted their own finishing time prior to the start of the race and were not allowed to wear watches during the run.  The runner finishing closest to his/her predicted time was the winner.

    Name                      Predict    Actual     Variance    Points
 1  Victor Boley              1:53:00  1:53:18.17      18.17    100.00
 2  Michael Orendorff         1:18:30  1:19:57.26    1:27.26     96.15
 3  Dave Diaz                 1:31:00  1:29:16.42    1:43.58     92.31
 4  Stacey Diaz               1:55:37  1:57:58.63    2:21.63     88.46
 5  Bill Veges                1:40:00  1:42:34.87    2:34.87     84.62
 6  Carrie Slover             2:01:00  2:03:35.94    2:35.94     80.77
 7  Chris Gredig              1:30:00  1:32:46.43    2:46.43     76.92
 8  Joe Bulow                 1:43:00  1:46:25.92    3:25.92     73.08
 9  Ben Valdez                1:30:00  1:26:03.00    3:57.00     69.23
10  Jill Montera              1:37:00  1:41:22.23    4:22.23     65.38
11  Wendy Garrison            2:05:00  2:09:40.65    4:40.65     61.54
12  Steve McDermett           2:15:00  2:20:23.88    5:23.88     57.69
13  Linda Strange             1:45:00  1:50:50.59    5:50.59     53.85
14  Steve Wall                1:28:20  1:34:31.30    6:11.30     50.00
15  Jessie Quintana           2:20:00  2:13:08.13    6:51.87     46.15
16  Tom Ratzlaff              1:41:00  1:48:09.35    7:09.35     42.31
17  Paulette Arns             2:05:00  2:12:27.38    7:27.38     38.46
18  John Mills                2:00:00  1:52:22.76    7:37.24     34.62
19  Gina Benfatti             1:46:00  1:54:24.24    8:24.24     30.77
20  Maribeth Sisnroy          2:30:00  2:21:16.20    8:43.80     26.92
21  Peggy Oreskovich          1:45:00  1:54:07.69    9:07.69     23.08
22  Becky Medina              2:10:00  2:19:24.50    9:24.50     19.23
23  Rich Hadley               1:12:30  1:22:57.52   10:27.52     15.38
24  Matt Sherman              1:29:15  1:39:58.13   10:43.13     11.54
25  Hilda Olivas              2:06:00  2:21:16.45   15:16.45      7.69
26  Robert Santoyo            1:17:00  1:41:25.87   24:25.87      3.85


Volunteer Support

We’d like to thank the volunteers who helped to make this race possible:

Race Directors: Ben Valdez and Matt Sherman
Finish Line: Jordan Montera, Don & Lois Pfost
Results: Don Pfost