Yappy Dog Prediction Run

by Natalie Gowen | Nov 17, 2011

Yappy Dog Prediction Run
4/23/2006 – 8.6 miles
A Scenic and Odorous Run on the South Mesa
Race #4 of the 2006 Prediction Series

As reported by Don Pfost

The morning was calm, crisp and clear. The course was well-marked and included a variety of surfaces–pavement, gravel and dirt–rolling hills, and plenty of yappy dogs. Great eats followed the run.

Runners predicted their own finishing time prior to the start of the race. They were not allowed to wear watches during the run. The runner finishing closest to his/her predicted time was the winner.

 Place  Name              Predict     Actual  Difference    Points
      1 Larry Volk         0:58:25   58:21.84   00:03.16     100.00
      2 Rooster Barnhart   1:17:37 1:17:29.16   00:07.84      93.33
      3 Jill Montera       1:09:00 1:08:46.29   00:13.71      86.67
      4 Ron Dehn           1:23:01 1:22:42.89   00:18.11      80.00
      5 Don Pfost          1:36:45 1:36:15.32   00:29.68      73.33
      6 Sandy Reinsch      1:22:02 1:22:39.25   00:37.25      66.67
      7 Carrie Slover      1:23:01 1:23:56.13   00:55.13      60.00
      8 Stacey Diaz        1:23:00 1:23:55.95   00:55.95      53.33
      9 Dave Diaz          1:02:30 1:00:35.50   01:54.50      46.67
     10 Ben Valdez         1:11:30 1:09:05.11   02:24.89      40.00
     11 Matt Sherman       1:03:30 1:06:05.78   02:35.78      33.33
     12 Troy Chantala      1:09:00 1:04:21.41   04:38.59      26.67
     13 Kris Spinuzzi      1:24:07 1:30:37.52   06:30.52      20.00
     14 Katie Hurtado      1:30:00 1:23:23.31   06:36.69      13.33
     15 Diana Tiffany      1:24:30 1:35:32.64   11:02.64       6.67

Volunteers: Race Director: Ross Barnhart Finish Line: Lois Pfost Water stations: Missy Rogers and Diane Stevenson Lead and Follow Bikes: Scott Stevenson and Charles Hastings Chalk Master: Rooster Barnhart Storage King: Dave Diaz Hosts and Kitchen Crew: Nancy and Ivan Martin Results: Don Pfost