Soaring Eagles Run/Walk

by Natalie Gowen | Nov 19, 2011

Soaring Eagles Run/Walk

5K Run and Walk held Saturday, Oct. 9, on the USC campus to benefit the Soaring Eagles Autism Clinic.


5K Run

Place Name               Group Sex   Time
   1  John Hair          30-39  M    20:07
   2  Gene Mares         40-49  M    20:58
   3  Steve Wall         40-49  M    21:11
   4  Bill Mares         30-39  M    21:19
   5  David Baker        40-49  M    21:37
   6  Ed Griego          50-59  M    22:20
   7  Doug Cullison      30-39  M    22:25
   8  Jeremy Gregory     13-19  M    22:35
   9  Stan Hren          60+    M    22:48
  10  Mike Archuleta     40-49  M    26:03
  11  Kathleen Bachicha  30-39  F    26:27
  12  Allison Hootman    30-39  F    26:37
  13  Kent Hootman       30-39  M    26:38
  14  Wendy Garrison     30-39  F    26:45
  15  Joan Sindler       40-49  F    27:29
  16  Paula DelPriore    40-49  F    27:46
  17  Kelli Barris       0-12   F    36:42
  18  Kristen Colvin     0-12   F    44:07
  19  Lauren Stephens    0-12   F    56:42
  20  Aiden Currie       0-12   M  1:04:09
  21  Lawrence Currie    40-49  M  1:04:10

5K Walk

Place Name               Group Sex   Time
   1  Jane Eckland       60+    F    46:11
   2  Debbie Pruitt      30-39  F    46:39
   3  Nancy Barria       40-49  F    46:40
   4  Janet Wren         40-49  F    46:41
   5  Miranda Martensen  20-29  F    47:13
   6  Marla Martensen    40-49  F    47:15
   7  Debbie Krupka      40-49  F    49:44
   8  Tony Colarelli     20-29  M    49:44
   9  Barbara Colarelli  40-49  F    49:45
  10  Nick Colarelli     40-49  M    49:46
  11  Nathaniel Barris   0-12   M    50:25
  12  Erica Billings     20-29  F    51:36
  13  Sherrilyn Turner   30-39  F    51:38
  14  Joanne Barris             F    56:38
  15  Kylie Richardson   0-12   F    56:40
  16  Taylor Richardson  0-12   F    56:43
  17  Matthew Colvin     0-12   M  1:05:25
  18  Karen Colvin       40-49  F  1:05:26


Volunteer Support

We’d like to thank the volunteers who helped to make this race possible:

Finish Line: Gary Franchi, Terry Cathcart, Steve Wall, Debra Wall, Ken Raich
Results: Ron Dehn