Survival Run for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

by Natalie Gowen | Nov 20, 2011

Survival Run for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

5K Run and 5K Walk held Sunday, April 27, at Mineral Palace Park in Pueblo.

5K Run

Place Name                       Time  Sex Age
    1 Jonathan Huie              17:45  M  23
    2 Ben Valdez                 20:40  M  42
    3 Matt Sherman               20:54  M  30
    4 Chief Reno                 21:48  M  41
    5 Rocky Khosla               22:02  M  44
    6 Terry Kertz                23:10  M  34
    7 Jill Montera               23:13  F  36
    8 Patrick Cordova            24:03  M  35
    9 John Johnson               24:04  M  39
   10 Gary Johnson               24:38  M  41
   11 Carlos Villa               25:07  M  41
   12 Troy Davenport             25:31  M  37
   13 Catherine Gomez            25:37  F  46
   14 Samantha Davenport         25:46  F  14
   15 Patrick Rumholz            25:50  M  30
   16 Michael Sanchez            26:10  M  42
   17 Thomas Alvarado            26:23  M  40
   18 Chad Alvarado              26:23  M  29
   19 Zach Davenport             26:32  M  18
   20 Robe Quintana              27:41  M  34
   21 Wendy Garrison             27:51  F  36
   22 Kelsey Learned             28:47  F  15
   23 Sandy Reinsch              28:57  F  30
   24 Harry Walls                29:41  M  63
   25 Jessie Quintana            29:57  F  59
   26 Walt Gomez                 30:16  M  60
   27 Donald Moore               31:34  M  34
   28 Catherine Sanchez          32:41  F  41
   29 Nick Bassett               49:49  M  14


5K Walk

Place Name                       Time  Sex Age
    1 Sheila Smith               42:24  F  45
    2 Laura Kelly                43:12  F  34
    3 Lois Pfost                 45:30  F  60
    4 Katt Hunt                  46:17  F  32
    5 Denise Sanchez             50:12  F  30
    6 Lisa Arellano              50:13  F  31
    7 Kristi Kennedy             50:38  F  38
    8 Fred Zook                  52:33  M  55
    9 Nancy Ortiz                53:07  F  55
   10 Theresa Garcia             53:07  F  45
   11 Leigh Spinsor              54:17  F  37
   12 Christine Sabey            54:17  F  29


Volunteer Support

We’d like to thank the volunteers who helped to make this race possible:

Race Director: Mike Archuleta
Results: Nick Leyva
Course Layout: Jeff Arnold
Course Marshal: Jan Huie
Finish Line: Dave Diaz, Ken Raich, Gary Franchi, Tiffany Reno, Mary Rudolph, Don Pfost
Registration/Refreshments: Peggy Summers, Sue Eddy, Carl Burgess, Nicole Means