Soaring Eagles Run/Walk

by Natalie Gowen | Nov 20, 2011

Soaring Eagles Run/Walk

5K Run and Walk held Saturday, Oct. 11, on the USC campus to benefit the Soaring Eagles Autism Clinic.


5K Run

Place Name                     Time
  1   Adam Rich                16:50
  2   JJ Huie                  17:11
  3   Andy Rinne               17:33
  4   Aaron Sever              18:45
  5   Mark Shipe               20:18
  6   Brian Ropp               20:27
  7   Jeremy Gregory           20:50
  8   David Baker              21:16
  9   Lou Huie                 21:25
 10   Emily Borrego            21:29
 11   Doug Cullison            21:54
 12   Rubin Sisneros           22:04
 13   Bill Mares               22:06
 14   Eugene Mares             23:21
 15   Joe Rael                 25:00
 16   Raul San Miguel          25:02
 17   Michael Sanchez          25:07
 18   Lori Ross                25:36
 19   Kathy Butler             25:38
 20   Allison Hootman          26:04
 21   Wendy Garrison           26:43
 22   Joan Sirdler             26:50
 23   Jaclyn Mutz              28:33
 24   Dick Greet               28:44
 25   Mike Archuleta           29:02
 26   Keya Hootman             29:15
 27   Donald Moore             29:17
 28   Larry Pilkinton          31:47
 29   Jerica Khosla            31:59
 30   Cathy Sanchez            32:09
 31   Levi Ropp                33:20
 32   Jace Khosla              33:46
 33   Rocky Kosla              33:49
 34   Gaelius Chauks           36:51
 35   Cherell Chauks           36:52
 36   Jamet Wren               38:07

5K Walk

Place Name                     Time
  1   Daniel Vigil             47:37
  2   Becky Vieau              47:39
  3   Debbie Pruitt            47:45
  4   Jeff Pruitt              47:46
  5   Anne Weierbach           47:50
  6   Byrm Beard               47:54
  7   Kim Richardson           49:45
  8   Kelli Barris             52:34
  9   Kylie Rae Richardson     52:35
 10   Cristy Espereth          53:59
 11   Erica Billings           54:00
 12   Nancy Smith              54:06
 13   Kathy Aguilar            54:06
 14   Teresa Abeyta            54:48
 15   Tigh Shrewsburg          54:49
 16   Marilyn McCluskey        55:01
 17   Jack McCluskey           55:02
 18   Kim Arline               55:46
 19   Amber Arline             55:48
 20   Nancy Barris             56:43
 21   Emily Barris             56:44
 22   Janice Barris            58:36
 23   JoAnn Barris             58:39
 24   Kristen Colvin           59:35
 25   Justine Cortez           59:36
 26   Keith Colvin             59:52
 27   Matthew Colvin           59:53
 28   Karen Colvin             59:53
 29   Mark Wilkinson         1:02:26


Volunteer Support

We’d like to thank the volunteers who helped to make this race possible:

Race Director: Jessica Jones
Finish Line: Chief Reno, Nick Leyva, Ron Dehn
Results: Marijane Martinez