2008 Little Run on the Prarie

by Natalie Gowen | Dec 10, 2011

2008 Little Run on the Prarie Results

5K run and 2K walk held on Saturday June 14, 2008 in Pueblo West, Colorado.

Pl Last        First              Time Sex Div  R/W
 1 Ricks       Justin             16:50M   20-2   R OA
 2 Cernoia     Michael           17:54 M   15-1   R
 3 Drake       Matt              18:13 M   15-1   R
 4 Loppnow     Shawn             20:23 M   40-4   R
 5 Guy         Matt              21:08 M   30-3   R
 6 Hill        Jacob             23:23 M   15-1   R
 7 Smith       Rusty             23:41 M   40-4   R
 8 Gassen      Bob               24:38 M   60-6   R
 9 Hughes      Ken               25:15 M   30-3   R
10 Sanchez     Michael           25:32 M   40-4   R
11 Smith       Barbara           26:13 F   40-4   R OA
12 Brentlinger Nelson            27:13 M   40-4   R
13 Sammons     Tamala            27:27 F   30-3   R
14 Smith       Andrew            28:22 M   9-14   R
15 Vargas      Felix             28:48 M   15-1   R
16 Leyva       Jeff              29:10 M   30-3   R
17 Smith       Caleb             30:24 M   9-14   R
18 Smith       Joshua            30:33 M   0-8    R
19 Chamberlain Virginia          30:55 F   80+    W
20 Quintana    Jessie            31:48 F   60-6   R
21 Sanchez     Kristina          31:60 F   30-3   R
22 Harriman    Margo             34:09 F   40-4   R
23 Ricks       Malachi           35:01 M   0-8    R
24 Sanchez     Cathryn           35:05 F   40-4   R
25 Smith       Ashley            36:33 F   9-14   R
26 Vargas      Rosalinda         36:57 F   0-8    R
27 Vargas      Marilyn           37:09 F   40-4   R
28 Ricks       Kylah             39:55 F   0-8    R
29 Sanchez     Marquita          40:03 F   50-5   W
30 Rios        Ana               40:05 F   9-14   W
31 Rios        David             40:39 M   40-4   W
32 Solano      Julia             42:14 F   60-6   W
33 Vargas      Meno              42:15 M   0-8    W
34 Vargas      Jaylen            42:15 F   9-14   W
35 Quintana    Robert            43:06 M   60-6   W
36 Macchietto  Georgia           46:18 F   60-6   R

Volunteer Support

Thanks to the SCR and PPRR for helping to promote the race. Thanks to the following people, without your help, it would not have been possible to put on this run:

Race Director: Lori Gregory
Registration: Martha Drake, Sylvia Cernoia, Sheryl Hill, Jacob & Brice
Lead Bike: John McWilliams
Course Marshals: Len Gregory, Bob & Martha Drake, Chris Pettigrew, Travis Hackley, Marguerita Ochoa-Smith, Larry & Sylvia Cernoia
Finish Line: Ron Dehn, Cecil Townsend, Terry Cathcart, Paulette Arns
Results: Ron Dehn
Clean Up: Larry Cernoia
Special Thanks: Jessie and Bob Quintana for bringing donuts!