Moonlight Madness Prediction Run

by Natalie Gowen | Dec 10, 2011

Moonlight Madness Prediction Run
8/2/2008 – 5 miles
Race #6 of the 2008 Prediction Series

As reported by Jim Robinson

    Name                       Predict    Actual    Variance    Points
  1 Shawn Loppnow               38:37    38:41.02       4.02    100.00
  2 Kevin Hughes                49:00    49:16.35      16.35     94.44
  3 Matthew Drake               31:00    30:29.45      30.55     88.89
  4 Becky Medina                53:30    52:37.78      52.22     83.33
  5 Rich Hadley                 35:30    36:24.44      54.44     77.78
  6 Mark Gurule                 37:00    36:04.09      55.91     72.22
  7 Paulette Arns               59:45  1:00:58.82    1:13.82     66.67
  8 Robert Santoyo              40:00    38:33:99    1:26.01     61.11
  9 Nina Gonzales               50:45    52:23.54    1:38.54     55.56
 10 Jessie Quintana             55:08    57:29.40    2:21.40     50.00
 11 Bill Vegas                  41:00    38:36.81    2:23.19     44.44
 12 Brian Bentz                 57:30    59:57.99    2:27.99     38.89
 13 Anthony Diaz                45:00    42:30.66    2:29.34     33.33
 14 Wendy Garrison              55:00    52:30.42    2:29.58     27.78
 15 Donald Moore                47:17    44:17.88    2:59.12     22.22
 16 Martha Drake                47:13    51:02:42    3:49.42     16.67
 17 Dani Hill                   47:59    52:26:12    4:27.12     11.11
 18 Kris Spinuzzi               52:00    47:25:00    4:35.00      5.56

    Austin Bass DQ


Volunteer Support

We’d like to thank the volunteers who helped to make this race possible:

Race Director: Diane Tiffany
Volunteers: Helen Robinson, Bob Drake, Bill and Lee Tiffany, Mary Rudolph
Results:Jim Robinson