2001 Marijane and Nick's Excellent Adventure Prediction Run

by Natalie Gowen | Dec 11, 2011

2001 Marijane and Nick’s Excellent Adventure Prediction Run

8.6-Mile Prediction Race held December 9 in Pueblo.

Before this race, each runner was required to predict his/her finishing time. Watches were not allowed to be worn during the event. The runner who came closest to finishing at his/her predicted time was the winner.

    Name              Predict  Actual   Variance Points
  1 Matt Sherman      1:04:00  1:03:52    0:08   100.00
  2 Ross Barnhart     1:09:05  1:08:55    0:10    94.44
  3 Kevin Slaughter   1:04:00  1:03:44    0:16    88.89
  4 Ben Valdez        1:14:30  1:14:04    0:26    83.33
  5 Rich Hadley         55:00    55:31    0:31    77.78
  6 Jim Robinson      1:02:00  1:01:26    0:34    72.22
  7 Diana Reno        1:30:00  1:29:19    0:41    66.67
  8 Nick Leyva        1:18:48  1:18:02    0:46    61.11
  9 Marijane Martinez 1:15:15  1:16:58    1:43    55.56
 10 Bill Veges        1:08:30  1:11:16    2:46    50.00
 11 Robert Santoyo      58:13  1:01:45    3:32    44.44
 12 Dave Diaz         1:08:00  1:03:47    4:13    38.89
 13 Michelle Olson    1:19:00  1:23:26    4:26    33.33
 14 Stacie Taravella  1:19:00  1:23:27    4:27    27.78
 15 Chief Reno        1:08:15  1:12:58    4:43    22.22
 16 Katherine Frank     58:30  1:03:18    4:48    16.67
 17 Mike Borton       1:14:00  1:07:25    6:35    11.11
 18 Janelle Rodriquez 1:27:00  1:37:39   10:39     5.56


Volunteer Support

We’d like to thank the volunteers who helped to make this race possible:

Marijane Martinez & Nick Leyva – Race Directors
Aid Station & Course Monitors – Steve Rutledge & Tanya Dreiling
Finish Line – Deb Hadley, Tiffany Reno, Gary Franchi, & Ken Raich