1999 Prediction Series Results

by Natalie Gowen | Dec 13, 2011

1999 Prediction Series Results

These are the final results of the 1999 Prediction Series:

Note: No value appears under the “Best 4” heading if that runner did not complete four of the series races.

                          Spring  Ramsgate  Tunnel   Nirvana  Harvest  Temple Marijane
Name                      Runoff     8K     Drive      4M       5M     Canyon & Nick's  Best 4
Ben Valdez                 26.67    90.91            100.00    97.14    76.92           364.98
Dave Diaz                  20.00   100.00    90.00    77.27                     81.82   349.09
Bill Veges                 46.67    72.73   100.00    86.36    82.86            72.73   341.95
Nick Leyva                100.00    18.18    60.00    90.91    40.00    69.23   36.36   320.14
Rich Hadley                                  40.00    63.64    88.57    46.15   90.91   289.27
Matt Sherman               93.33    54.55                      48.57            54.55   251.00
Marijane Martinez          60.00    27.27             27.27    74.29    61.54   45.45   241.28
Jim Robinson               53.33             80.00             85.71    15.38           234.43
Robert M. Santoyo                                     72.73    37.14    38.46    9.09   157.42
Mark Koch                                                      91.43    92.31
Misti Frey                                                     80.00           100.00
Dan Hickman                                           81.82    65.71
Shaun Gogarty                                         40.91    94.29
Mike Orendorff                      36.36             95.45
Maria Elena Weaver                           20.00                     100.00
Melinda Badgley-Orendorff           63.64             50.00
Trevor Hadley                                         59.09    54.29
Laura Schilf                                 70.00             31.43
Holly Fairchild                                               100.00
Melissa Mincic             86.67
Barb Fox                                                                84.62
Don Pfost                           81.82
Makiko Taekei              80.00
Calley Till                                           22.73    57.14
Dan Caprioglio                                                 77.14
Hannah Muchine             73.33
Tim Vigil                                    30.00             42.86
Michael Till                                                   71.43
Chrissy Cruz                                                   68.57
Matt Martin                                           68.18
Catherine Waitimu          66.67
Gary Franchi                                                                    63.64
Anthony Diaz                                                   62.86
Rita Vigil                           9.09                      51.43
Jim Laughton                                                   60.00
Erin Honaker                                          54.55
Cincy Stone                                                             53.85
Roy Hugles                                   50.00
Brad Winn                                                      45.71
Jessica Gogarty                                       45.45
Richard M. Santoya                  45.45
Helen Robinson             40.00
Aaron Berndt                                          36.36
Marv Bradley                                                   34.29
Sam Edwards                33.33
Logan Gogarty                                         31.82
Allen Weaver                                                            30.77
Marla Winn                                                     28.57
Maddy Tormoen                                                                   27.27
John Ulsh                                                      25.71
Jane Gebhart                                                            23.08
Aaron Ure                                                      22.86
Gerald Ure                                                     20.00
Mike Borton                                                                     18.18
Mike Till                                             18.18
Jackie Allen                                                   17.14
Dave Allen                                                     14.29
Crystal Berndt                                        13.64
Ted Puls                   13.33
Larry Swisher                                                  11.43
Mike Cone                                    10.00
Pat Berndt                                             9.09
Hector Leyba                                                    8.57
Susan Gebhart                                                            7.69
G.E. Puls                   6.67
Robert Nolan                                                    5.71
Gloria Gogarty                                         4.55
Ken Osborn                                                      2.86