Run for Rio 2012
by Natalie Gowen | Jun 05, 2012
Rio Results 2012
1 Logan Gogarty 23 21:16 1 OA male
2 Rich Hadley 56 21:27 1 50-59
3 Chester Haddon 45 22:03 1 40-49
4 Faris Blackhurst 14 22:44 1 13-10
5 Jared Graber 30 22:48 1 30-39
6 Nick Chariton 30 24:33 2 30-39
7 Conner Pigg 18 24:43 2 13-19
8 Ty Van Oort 18 24:58 3 13-19
9 John Castanha 52 25:12 2 50-59
10 Sarah Pigg 19 25:17 1 OA Female
11 Jessica Chariton 30 25:42 1 30-39 F
12 Paul Slade 15 26:01 4 13-19
13 Erin Hergert 40 26:10 1 40-49 F
14 Loren Neumeister 18 26:18 5 13-19
15 Btitney Slade 18 26:20 1 13-19 F
16 Carrie Franchi 59 26:59 1 55-59 F
17 Maggie Di Matteo 34 27:01 2 30-39F
18 Jason Golly 32 27:11 3 30-39
19 Chris McKinley 31 27:23 4 30-39
20 Kevin Hughes 12 27:51 1 Youth Male
21 Kaven Rhule 28 28:02 1 20-29
22 Heidi Garner 34 28:05 3 30-39 F
23 Jeanne Graber 50 28:07 2 50-59 F
24 Gary Franchi 63 28:49 1 60& over
25 Brandon Peterson 24 28:56 2 20-29
26 Ron Dehn 63 29:34 2 60 & over
27 Michelle Garner 14 29:57 1 13-19 F
28 Makayla Rodriguez 12 29:58 1 Youth Female
29 Amanda Atencio 39 32:09 4 30-39 F
30 Jennifer Gemmel 38 32:34 5 30-39 F
31 Holly Newby 26 32:36 1 20-29 F
32 Amy Fox 34 32:37 6 30-39 F
33 Paul Stringer 65 32:38 3 60 & over
34 Melanie Hughes 40 32:45 2 40-49 F
35 John Hart 46 33:08 1 40-49
36 Kira Hughes 9 33:12 1 12 & under
37 Ken Hughes 42 34:17 2 40-49
38 Becky Falagalle Meyer 43 34:26 3 40-49 F
39 Aimee DuPont 41 35:06 4 40-49 F
40 Prairie Golly 29 35:32 2 20-29 F
41 Laura Schlegel 25 35:55 3 20-29 F
42 Gloria Gogarty 55 36:27 3-50-59 F
43 Pat Berndt 57 36:27 4 50-59 F
44 Anna Slade 12 37:17 2 12 & under F
45 Angelique Espinoza 40 38:17 5 40-49 F
46 Lauri McCaslin 46 38:45 6 40-49 F
47 Sal Sanchez 70 38:50 4 60 & over
48 Matt Dennison 29 39:27 3 20-29
49 Kristi Drehar 33 39:43 6 30-39 F
50 Joey Leysiroch 31 39:50 5 30-39
51 Becky Sole 30 39:56 7 30-39 F
52 Nicole Morey 35 39:59 8 30-39 F
53 John Ramirez 52 41:27 3 50-59
54 Lana Stinchcomb 57 44:44 5 50-59 F
1 Paulette Arns 59 38:30 1 OA Female
2 Ruff Gallegos 64 42:43 1 OA Male
3 Anna Jordan 17 43:15 1 13-19 F
4 Diana Schlegel 50 45:25 1 50-59 F
5 Tammy Van Oort 43 47:37 1 40-49 F
6 Ava Castanha 54 47:38 2 50-59 F
7 Dan Wachob 62 47:39 1 60 & over
8 Nick Donlon 34 48:27 1 30-39
9 Holly Tuttel 27 48:28 1 20-29 F
10 Kathy Ragan 18 52:02 2 13-19 F
11 Scott Wachob 16 52:15 1 13-19
12 Lisa Wachob 18 52:16 3 13-19 F
13 Stephanie Shirley 43 52:17 2 40-49 F
14 Angelica Fink 14 52:17 4 13-19 F
15 Gabe Fink 11 52:18 1 Youth Walker Male
16 Becky Stringer 63 52:19 1 60 & over F
17 Nancy Slade 46 52:19 3 40-49 F
18 Peggy Jordan 49 52:20 4 40-49 F
19 Jamie Donlon 36 52:21 2 30-39
20 Lindsey Petersen 34 52:26 1 30-39 F
21 Mary Jo Rogan 53 52:54 2 50-59 F
22 Eel Rogan 56 52:57 1 50-59
23 Ants Lopez 53:00
24 Abner Franchi 3 54:26 2 12 & under
25 Levi Heidrich 31 54:27 3 30-39
26 Aaron Franchi 31 54:28 4 30-39
27 Jenny Franchi 32 54:44 2 30-39 F
28 Laurie Muskett 32 55:37 3 30 -39 F
29 Heather Heidrich 29 55:38 1 20-29 F
30 Isobel Lopez 42 55:50 5 40-49 F
31 Bethany Bak 30 56:04 4 30-36 F
32 Angie Griggs 56 57:19 3 50-59 F
33 Rylee Eggering 13 57:20 4 13-19 F
34 Roberta Smischny 61 57:55 2 60 & over F
35 Bernadette Vasquez 54 57:56 4 50-59 F
36 Carol Ortega 57:56
37 Angela Anderson 64 1:00:00 6 60 & over F
38 Joanie Lovell 32 1:00:01 5 30-39 F
39 Adam Lovell 32 1:00:02 5 30-39
40 Joe Ragan 53 1:00:37 2 50-59
41 Penny Ragan 55 1:00:38 5 50-59 F
42 Erica Lund 40 1:00:40 6 40-49 F
43 Nick Karnell 35 1:01:02 6 30-39
44 Dave Karnell 62 1:01:03 2 60 & over
45 Lee Merriott 67 1:03:16 3 60 & over
46 Thomas Marquez 62 1:03:17 4 60 & over
47 Jose Baca 68 1:03:39 5 60 & over
48 Joelle Sissons 56 1:03:40 6 50-49
49 GeraldDukas 63 1:05:05 6 60 & over
50 Dennis Chichester 64 1:05:06 7 60 & over
51 James Martinez 67 1:05:07 8 60 & over
Thanks to Paul Stringer who helped me with results. Paulette Arns took the club stuff to another race. Mary Porter operated the printing timer under hectic conditions. Rio’s extended family pulled tags. Several walkers didn’t go through the chute so rhe 105 named finishers, a record, is an undercount.