Get Involved

Get Involved

Join us for a race or event, or better yet—volunteer!

SCR Events & Fun

Volunteer Information

As an all volunteer organization we are ALWAYS in need of volunteers. Help at SCR races or in many other capacities.

Contact us today and get involved.

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How would you like to help
Training is provided for any of these opportunities

Volunteer Recognition

Volunteers earn points for volunteering and are given a nice award at the annual banquet if they accrue 50 during the year. Points are accumulated for two years. If 50 points are not accumulated in this period, they expire. It is the responsibility of each race director or SCR liaison to give the volunteer point keeper a volunteer roster.


  • Race Director (25 points), except for Spring Runoff or Rock Canyon (50 points)
  • Club officers, newsletter editor, membership coordinator, webmaster, predict series coordinator (50 points)
  • Host a predict (10 points)
  • Assist with the picnic (5 points), except for coordinator (10 points)
  • Volunteer at a race (5 points per race)
  • Write an article for the club newsletter “Footprints” or club website (5 points per article)
  • Stuff the newsletter and eat peanuts and popcorn at the Gold Dust last week of the month (5 points per stuffing)
  • Attend a monthly SCR meeting (5 points per meeting)
  • Help plan and organize the annual SCR Award Banquet held each January (5 points), except for coordinator (10 points)
  • Volunteer points keeper (25 points)