Officer Elections & Award Nominations

Announcement of Upcoming SCR Officer Elections and Annual Award Nominations 

Club officers

Each December we traditionally elect club officers. Our bylaws require an annual election of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. We also choose members for non-elected positions that we deem necessary for successful operation of the club. Some of these non-elected offices may change according to need. Officers may continue in the same position and some members have held by the same office for consecutive years. 

Here is a description of club elected officer and non-elected officer positions. 

Becoming an Officer Candidate

Any club member in good standing 30 days prior to the election is eligible to serve as an officer. To become a candidate complete and submit the Officer Candidate Form prior to the November meeting. 

Electing Officers

We will publicize the list of candidates for each position after the November meeting. Officers will be elected at the December meeting. Any club member in good standing for 30 days prior to the election is eligible to vote. 

Awards and Recognition

Each fall we also open up the nomination process for recognizing our club members at the annual awards banquet in late January.

Submitting Award Nominations

Please review the list of awards and see the links to make online nominations for awards and first timer achievements.  Please start thinking about writing and submitting your nominations that are due December 15 for a volunteer committee to review nominations and vote.

Selecting Recipients

If you would like to volunteer for the award selection committee, please email Danny Nelson at [email protected]