Running And Fitness

Trials of an Athletic Odyssey
From tragedy to triathlon
Mark Gregory certainly hasn’t forgotten his college athletic roots
Run for Rio rekindles memories
These are no Ordinary Mortals
Local athletes working to bring triathlon to Pueblo
Get ready for another great stadium finish
Terry Cathcart retiring as Spring Runoff director Runoff
Time to prepare for another Spring Runoff
Ricks shoots at qualifying for Olympic marathon Trials
$3 purchase leads to a lifestyle change
Speedy walker represents spirit of Spring Runoff
New program promotes youth running
Spring Runoff gearing up for 32nd annual run/walk
The Peak holds special aura for local runner Dehn
Run for Rio kicks off busy schedule of racing
Run With the Bulls will have huge inaugural field
Here’s a chance to relive the stadium finish
At the Spring Runoff, it’s all in the family
Runoff race officials test odds with later date
Atalanta to have its 30 annual
Kinzy heads list of super achievers
Will multi-sport events return to area?
Regardless of our level, we all must conquer challenges
Marathon continues to have magnetic appeal
Puebloan to tackle ‘Boston’ a wiser runner
Anniversary Run /Walk part of full day of festivities
Runoff start of 3-race series
Spring Runoff marks its 30th year in grand style
Tinseltown to show ‘Spirit of the Marathon’
Thoughts of the Temple Canyon Prediction Series race
Original Atalanta founder to return for race Saturday
Westcliffe runner, 74, overcomes long odds
Orendorff qualifies for triathlon ‘Worlds’
Runners to test training levels
Pueblo runners shatter Roundup records
Run for Rio provides memorable ‘high’
Weather hasn’t been friendly to cyclists
Veteran director starts race in Fountain
Masters to swim in annual Pueblo Open
Weather does a number on early racing
Health Expo idea originated with ex-Y employee
Ben & Matt’s Trail Mix
The Tunnel Drive Prediction Run Conspiracy
Triple the pleasure – and pain
A Resurgent Women’s Distance Festival in 2006
The Ordinary Mortals Triathlon
The Canon City Blossom Fesitval 5K
The Y-BI