SCR Race Assistance Services

Southern Colorado Runners (SCR) is an all volunteer non-profit organization devoted to promoting running and walking at all ability levels for fitness and recreation.  The club hosts their own events for the community and assists other organizations to host races as fundraisers or part of wellness campaigns.

Race Assistance services provided by SCR to local organizations:

  1. Set up finish line, timing system and results for the race: trained volunteers from the club provide this assistance.  Generally includes:
    1. Furnishing of Finish line digital clock, timing equipment (chip timing, stopwatch, etc.) and finish chute equipment (cones, flags, etc.)
    2. Finish line volunteers
    3. Race day registration into race management software (does not include cashier duties)
    4. Results processing and posting results online
  2. Use of equipment such as large display time clock, cones, timing machines, chip timing, flagging is not available for public rental or lease. The equipment is used by SCR to support organizations with a Race Assistance/Equipment Rental Contract.
  3. Course marking: races may request experienced SCR volunteers to suggest, mark and measure the course the night before or morning of the event. Depending on the course, there may be fees and permits required by the city, county or state as well as barricading. The club can offer guidance but the Race Director is ultimately responsible for all aspects of the course.
  4. Event listing on SCR calendar: email [email protected] his e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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    the following information for listing: Event title, Date, Time, Location, Description of event, Website, Race director’s name and contact information.  If all information on the run/walk is provided and organization is in good standing, the information will be posted free of charge.
  5. Advertising in the monthly SCR newsletter – your event flyers/registration may be inserted in club newsletter
    1. Must contact the [email protected] is e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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      to notify them of your request to insert flyers and get deadlines for submission.
    2. Requesting organization must provide and deliver 300 copies to the Gold Dust Saloon, 217 S Union Ave, no later than the 25th of the month (or as directed by newsletter editor) and the $25 fee for distribution.
    3. If less than 300 copies provided, no flyers will be inserted in newsletter as postal regulations for bulk mailing require all of our newsletters to contain precisely the same number of inserts.
    4. Unless other arrangements have been made, all entry forms delivered for newsletter distribution must be on unfolded 8 ½” x 11” papers.
  6. Online registration. There are many online registrations systems that can provide better advertising and support for your event.  For a comparison of online registration options, please check out the website

Fee for Services dictated in the Race Assistance/Equipment Rental Contract:

The actual services provided by SCR will be dictated by the Race Assistance/Equipment Use Contract entered into by the event organization Race Director and SCR no later than 3 months prior to the event. The fee charged by SCR to provide race assistance is dependent on the services provided.

  • The basic charge for finish line, results and equipment rental is listed in the Race Assistance/Equipment Use Contract. Although SCR has standard fees for race assistance, each race is unique and the club may adjust the amount charged on an individual basis.
  • Exempt from these fees will be the Pueblo Family YMCA and the Gold Dust Saloon in exchange for the use of their facilities for SCR activities.
  • Also exempt, with approval at an SCR membership meeting will be an event produced by an SCR member who has been an active volunteer during the previous 12 months (50 or more volunteer points per year).