Raffle Runs

The Southern Colorado Runners Series of run/walks are called Raffle Runs because a raffle prize will be given at each event. You must be present and be an SCR member to win. These will be FREE, fun social group runs with no timing. Everyone welcome, member or not, including out of town visitors…you may run shorter or longer if you like. Feel free to start early but courses may not be marked yet. Many races end with a pot luck, so plan to stick around and enjoy the company of other area runners. Please join the fun by bringing your favorite dish to share, we’ll let you know which races have pot lucks.

We will have a sign in sheet, so if you participate in at least 6 events in 2025, you will earn your free 2025 SCR Shirt.

April Fox Trot
Date: Sat, April 12, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Lake Beckwith Parking Lot, Colorado City, CO
Distance: TBD
Host: Katie & Steve Fox
New Start Location. Join the Southern Colorado Runners and Katie and Steve Fox for the 2nd Annual Fox Trot Raffle Run. Enjoy the beautiful views in Colorado City as you run near  Lake Beckwith in Colorado City
Breakfast Burritos after the run/walk. 

Details/distances soon.
Choose Your Own Adventure Raffle Run
Date: Sunday, May 4, 2025
Time: 7:30 a.m.
Location: 1117 Candytuft Blvd
Distance: Walk 1.5 or 2 miles, Run 4, 5.5, 6 or 7.5 mile
Host: Sean & Jitka McGivney
Join Sean and Jitka for a unique adventure…choose the distance you would like to run… distances vary from 1.5M to 7.5M. Runners and Walkers head in the same direction (NE), towards Cedarweed Blvd,…
Running Routes runners turn left (N) on Cedarweed Blvd towards Vision Hills Pkwy (47th). The long course will be about 4 miles, then runners will have the option to add a 1.5 mile or 2 mile loop at the end (or both) for a total of 4, 5.5, 6, or 7.5 miles.
Walker Routes are 1.50 or 2 miles, and go east from the McGivney home into a newer residential area, and make a loop past the park, quite pedestrian friendly.
We would love for everyone to stick around for a potluck and the raffle drawing.
Peaks & Prairies Raffle Run
Date: June TBD 2025
Time: 8:00 a.m.
Location: 4913 Warbler Ct, Pueblo
Distance: 5K and 2 mile walk/run
Host: Robert Espinoza and Rebecca Simmons
The SCR Peaks & Prairies Raffle Run will start at their north side home 4913 Warbler Court and run on dirt roads and trails near their home. Great views and nice course make this is a fun one. Bring a chair and stay for a potluck to follow.
Breakfast Burrito Raffle Run and Picnic
Date: Sat, July 26, 2025
Time: 8:00 a.m.
Location: Pueblo Mountain Park, Beulah CO
Distance: 3M run and 2M run/walk
Host: Ted Sillox & SCR
The Summer Burrito Run has moved from Lake Pueblo to the stone pavilion building at Pueblo Mountain Park in Beulah CO for 2025. The Pavilion has been reserved for Sat, July 26, 2025 for a 3M run or 2M run/walk on the dirt roads inside the park. Following the run breakfast burritos from the Steel City Cafe will be served along with pastries, coffee, water and orange juice.
The run, walk and burritos are free but if you are planning to attend please RSVP to Ted Sillox, president@socorunners.org, by Sat, July 12, 2025, and let him know your burrito choice and how many so we can order the proper amount.
Burrito choices:
Runapalooza Raffle Run
Date: Sat, Aug 16, 2025
Time: 7:30 a.m.
Location: 4727 Walnutcrest Ct
Distance: 3 mile & 1.3 mile
Host: Stacey and Dave Diaz
3 mile run and 1.3 mile walk starting at the south side home of Stacey and Dave Diaz. The address is 4727 Walnutcrest Ct, in the Domega area of Pueblo. The first part of the run/walk is in the neighborhood, around a park, then runners head west on Red Creek Springs Rd. There will be a water stop at the turn, then return to the house. Potluck to follow.
Badger Land Raffle Run
Date: Sat, Sep 27, 2025
Time: 8:00 a.m.
Location: 712 N Heron Drive, Pueblo West
Distance: 3 mile & 1 mile
Host: Jessie and Rocky Casarez
Jessie and Rocky Casarez invite you to a morning 3 mile run or 1 mile run/walk (all on dirt roads) beginning at their Pueblo West home, 721 E Heron Drive. Potluck to follow the run.
38th Annual Harvest Run/Walk
Date: Saturday, Oct TBD 2025
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Location: Gold Dust Saloon back patio
Distance: 3 mile & 1.5 mile
Free taco bar to followCelebrate an early Halloween at the Southern Colorado Runners 38th annual Harvest Run. This year’s event will, once again, be held with our friends at the Gold Dust Saloon, 217 S. Union Ave, Pueblo, CO. The run will be about 3 miles (the run/walk about 1.5 Mile) in and around Pueblo’s Historic district to include the River Walk. It will start at the back patio behind the Gold Dust at 4:30 PM, just show up to the Gold Dust a little early to sign in for this free run/walk. Whether you run or walk, plan to stay for a back patio Taco Bar. We will have all the fixin’s… beef or chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and salsa. You make your own, as many as you like. If you prefer a vegan option, a Vegan Beyond Burger will be available, just place an order with your server. There will also be complimentary beer and lemonade, courtesy of your favorite running club, the SOCO Running/Tri Club.

Remember this everything is FREE (the run, the taco bar and beer/lemonade) for club members and their families.

Running, Tacos and Beer, it doesn’t get any better than that. Be there. If you’re not a member and and are interested in joining our club, click HERE for more info. 
Dia de los Muertos
Date: Saturday, October TBD
Time: 4 p.m.
Location: Roselawn Cemetery 1706 Roselawn Rd, Pueblo, CO 81006
Distance: 3.1 mile & 1.9 mile
Join us at the Roselawn Cemetery 1706 Roselawn Rd, for a FREE dia de los Muertos celebration. Race director Joe Spinuzzi would like to encourage runners to have some fun and dress up in Dia de Los Muertos attire; costume, face paint, etc (but optional) Potluck to follow. Be there 3:30-3:45 PM to sign in.

Attention Runners: On Sat, October 26, 2024 the cemetery will be hosting a Trunk-or-Treat on the same day and time as our run. We will not be able to use the main parking lot for parking. We will still use the building for our potluck but we will have to enter thru the side doors, not the main entrance. We will have to park on the roads around the building. There may be a small parking lot behind the mausoleums, we’ll check.
Temple Canyon in Cañon City
Date: Saturday November TBD, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: BF Rockafellow Ecology Park (Eco Park)
Distance: 4 mile run, 2.4 mile run/walk
Host: Roger Giordano
Join the Southern Colorado Runners for the annual Temple Canyon Predict Run, traditionally the Saturday after Thanksgiving, 9am, 4 mile run or 2.4 mile run/walk. This free, beautiful run is a four mile, single track, dirt trail run through the canyon lands south of Cañon City. The scenery on the hilly trails is stunning as it winds around the junipers, but watch the trail for rocks and roots, and you’ll be fine. Moderate difficulty but not suitable for strollers. Thank you Roger Giordano for putting this on.
Nelson's Pretty Fast Raffle Run
Date: Sat, Dec 13, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: 614 E Marigold Drive Pueblo West
Distance: 3M run and 2M run/walk
Host: Nelson and Debbie Brentlinger
614 E Marigold Dr, Pueblo West, CO
Nelson's Pretty Fast Run- 9:00 am--5 mile run and 2 mile walk, part of the SCR Raffle Series.

Join us for a fun run/walk starting at the Pueblo West home of Nelson and Debbie Brentlinger, 614 E Marigold Dr. , Pueblo West, CO.Hosts: Nelson and DebbieBrentlinger nelsonbrentlinger@gmail.com.
The Chile Willy Raffle Run
Date: Saturday January 4, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: 201 Jackson St
Distance: 3 mile run, 1.5 mile run/walk
Thank you to Alexandria and Patrick Romero for offering their beautiful home, located at 201 Jackson St, to host the January Predict Run, the “Chile Willy” (yes, chile not chilly, although it may be very cold in January) it is about a 3 mile run or 1.5M run/walk. Their home is 2 blocks southwest of the Rawlings Library in the Mesa Junction. The run starts at their home, heads to Union Ave, crosses the Arkansas River on the Union Bridge and heads to the Riverwalk, do a complete loop of the Riverwalk, including Lake Victoria. After the loop, exit the Riverwalk and head back up Union, the way you came. There is not much traffic on Saturday morning but watch for cars especially when we cross Abriendo. This is a potluck so bring a brunch item to share.
Valentine's Twosome Relay Run
Date: Saturday February 15, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Pueblo City Park
Distance: 1.6M + 1.6M relay
This a fun run with optional costumes. The run has a minimal fee of $5 to help offset expenses. Grab your sweetheart, a friend or family member, just bring someone other than yourself, dress up in red, pink, any fun couples costumes and score a chocolate prize! Each team member will run/walk one 1.6-mile lap around City Park carrying a baton.
 One runs a lap and hands it off to the other partner at the Start Line. Overall Team placement for chocolate awards is after the two different team members complete a lap consecutively, not concurrently.
There is no fee to participate, we just want to get more couples or friends of any kind supporting one another to promote healthier hearts and lives this year! Please sign up and commit to run this fun Valentines Day Twosome. It will help us gauge how much hot chocolate to make and buy awards.
For Details or to register visit: https://runsignup.com/Race/CO/Pueblo/ValentineTwosomeRelay
South Shore SCR Raffle Trail Run
Date: Sat, Mar 22, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Location of Parking Lot: Concrete Slab on the south side of Hwy 96 about 1 mile west of the "Red G
Distance: 3.9M run or 1.8M run/walk
Host: Roger & Sheri Giordano
Join the Southern Colorado Runners for a fun, 3.9M or 1.8M run/walk on the relatively flat, single track, dirt trails on the south side of Lake Pueblo. No potluck at this event, free for SCR members and no need to purchase a park pass as we start near the parking lot on the south side of Hwy 96 (Wetmore Hwy), about 1.25 miles west of the Red Gate, near Boggs Creek (they call it the Concrete Slab). Car pool if you can as only about 20 cars will fit in the lot.
Location of Parking Lot: Concrete Slab on the south side of Hwy 96   about 1 mile west of the 'Red Gate'

Raffle Series

The prediction series races (now called Raffle Series) are sponsored by Southern Colorado Runners (SCR) and are FREE to all SCR members. Please feel free to join the club ($15.00 for individual and $20.00 for family to be included in the results and awards for this series)

  • The races take place in various locations around Pueblo, Pueblo West, Colorado City and Canon City and run on varying terrain — streets, gravel roads and trails.
  • Races are all in fun and give everyone a chance to compete. You don’t have to run the entire distance or you may go farther if you like.
  • Many races end with a pot luck to enjoy the company of other area runners. Please join the fun by bringing your favorite dish to share!
Rules and Guidelines
  • Before the race, each runner must sign a waiver, make sure to sign, that’s how we keep track of how many runs you do.
  • Times are NOT recorded
  • Headsets and iPods are allowed but be careful of your surroundings. Streets have cars and some trails are narrow.
  • There will be 10 to 13 Raffle Runs during the year, and 6 must be completed to qualify for an t-shirt. This allows everyone, including those with injuries or commitments to family or work, to complete the number necessary to qualify for an award. Awards (usually an SCR running shirt) will be given out at the annual SCR Awards Banquet in late Jan/ early Feb
  • Generally, a time limit will be placed on completing the predict, and anyone who finishes after the finish-line has closed will not be included in the results. Placing a time-limit on the predict allows everyone, including volunteers, to take part in post-predict festivities.
  • Race directors will be encouraged to layout and mark a separate course for walkers, especially when the run is relatively long. This will enable all participants to finish the predict timely, allowing everyone, including the finish-line crew and other volunteers, to enjoy any post-predict festivities, such as a brunch.
Awards: All SCR club members are eligible for the Raffle Series awards
  • Members who complete 6 prediction events will receive an award at the annual awards banquet in January.
  • The top 3 people with the highest points will receive additional awards.
  • If you place 4 through 25 you are welcome to a group hug and a laurel and hearty handshake.