The Southern Colorado Runners and I wish you a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving and offer
a few reminders…
Temple Canyon Raffle Run in Cañon City, Saturday, Nov 30, 2024, 9:00am (the Saturday after Thanksgiving). Join the SoCo Runners and Roger Giordano for the annual Temple Canyon Raffle Run, 9am, 4 mile run or 2.4-mile run/walk. This is a FREE, beautiful, single track, dirt trail run through the canyon lands south of Cañon City. The scenery on the hilly trails is stunning as it winds around the junipers and Grape Creek. Moderate difficulty. The run begins at Eco Park (B. F. Rockafellow Ecology Park) Directions from Pueblo to start HERE. Thank you Roger Giordano for putting this one on.
Date: Sat, November 30, 2024
Time: 9:00 a.m.Location: BF Rockafellow Ecology Park (Eco Park)
Distance: 4M run, 2.4M run/walk
Join us for the best half-marathon in Southern Colorado. Runners receive a great looking hooded sweatshirt and finisher medal. New this year is a 5K. Visit the Rock Canyon Facebook page for updates. To register or for more information about the race click HERE.
Date: Sunday, Dec 8, 2024
Time: 8:30 am
Location: Pueblo City Park and River trail
Distance: 13.1M and 5K
If you’re looking to run on Thanksgiving Day you have a couple of options.
—You are invited to join Club Member Paul Dallarguardia for a FREE (with donation) 5K/1.5M run/walk. Paul says “Hey all!! We will be coordinating another Give Back to Community Thanksgiving Day 5k and 1.5-mile walk, Thanksgiving morning, 8am, starting at the City Park Swimming pool parking lot. This is a low key event, not timed, nothing official just asking for donations of non-perishable food and /or warm clothes to be donated to Care and Share”.
–And if you’d like a more formal race, join the Pueblo YMCA for their annual Turkey Trot held Thanksgiving Day, Thu, Nov 28, 9am, Pueblo YMCA Campus. More info
That’s it, see you soon,
Dave Diaz
Keeper of the SCR Calendar