Each January we hold a club awards banquet and recognize members of our running and triathlon community.
Nomination Period: October 15th to December 15th
Send all nominations to Dan Nelson or SUBMIT ONLINE
2022 Annual Award Nominations
Nominations are taken for Southern Colorado Runners Annual awards given at our Awards Banquet in January. The nomination period is October 15th to December 15th. Club members are encouraged to nominate other club members for the following awards. You may nominate for one or all of the awards listed below. Please include the person’s name and a description of why he/she is deserving of that award (no space limit). You may nominate a previous year’s winner if you wish to do so. All nominations will be provided to the Award Committee for selection. If you would like to volunteer for the Award Committee or have any questions, please email Dan Nelson at vicepresident@socorunners.com
All nominations are due by December 15, 2022.
PREDICT SERIES AWARDS: Each month SCR holds one or more predict races that are free for members and visitors. Each participant writes down their predicted time for the event before the race begins. After the race, each participant is ranked, based on the difference between their predicted time and their actual race time. Points from 1-100 are then given to each participant, with those predicting closest to their actual time getting the most points and those predicting furthest from their actual time getting the least points. Only current members will earn points for the race that day. All points are tallied through the year and the top three point collectors win prizes. Anyone that participates in at least six predict races also earns the annual Predict shirt at no charge.
VOLUNTEER HOURS: Dedicated club volunteers earning at least 50 volunteer points during the year are recognized each year at the banquet and given a gift.
FIRST TIMERS: We like to recognize and celebrate all our members that try new events, distances or qualify for Holy Grail type races like the Boston Marathon or Kona Ironman. Please submit first time accomplishments for yourself, friends or family online here!
LONG DISTANCE AWARD: Recognize and express the club’s appreciation for the distinguished and dedicated service rendered to the club over an extended period of years.
MOST VALUABLE CLUB MEMBER: Recognize a club member that routinely goes above and beyond serving in a variety of roles and is someone that is a dedicated volunteer and stands out among the other volunteers in the club.
SPIRIT OF SCR: (Previously known as the Dirty Sweet Sock Award): Created to recognize and honor a member who champions SCR tirelessly and enthusiastically, but prefers to stay in the background, letting others bask in the spotlight. Nominees should have a track record of being a promoter of SCR and volunteering for club events.
MALE RUNNER OF THE YEAR: Recognize the running and racing experiences of a male member that is an influential member of our running club, promotes SCR, and is involved in the community and beyond. Please mention if he has been a positive role model for others or has coached others. Mention any obstacles the runner may have had to overcome to reach a new level in his running.
FEMALE RUNNER OF THE YEAR: Recognize the running and racing experiences of a female member that is an influential member of our running club, promotes SCR, and is involved in the community and beyond. Please mention if she has been a positive role model for others or has coached others. Mention any obstacles the runner may have had to overcome to reach a new level in her running.
MALE TRIATHLETE OF THE YEAR: Recognize a male triathlete club member for his athletic accomplishments as a triathlete in terms of racing, improvement, inspiration to others, overcoming challenges and promoting SOCOT2.
FEMALE TRIATHLETE OF THE YEAR: Recognize a female triathlete club member for her athletic accomplishments as a triathlete in terms of racing, improvement, inspiration to others, overcoming challenges and promoting SOCOT2.
MALE YOUTH RUNNER OF THE YEAR: Recognize the running and racing accomplishments of a male youth (age 19 or under) that stands out as a runner and/or advocate for running in the community.
FEMALE YOUTH RUNNER OF THE YEAR: Recognize the running and racing accomplishments of a female youth (age 19 or under) that stands out as a runner and/or advocate for running in the community.
Past Recipients
Most Valuable Club Member Award: Recognizes a club member that routinely goes above and beyond serving in a variety of roles.
Past recipients: 1993 Kathy Stommel,1996 Lois Pfost, 2001 Jeff Arnold, 2002 Ken Raich/Ron Dehn, 2003 Dave Diaz, 2004 Terry Cathcart, 2005 Gary Franchi, 2006 Don & Lois Pfost, 2007 Ken Raich, 2008 Larry Volk, 2009 Paulette Arns, 2010 Paul LaBar, 2011 ?, 2012 Laura Wernwein, 2013 Paulette Arns, 2014 Dennis Wait, 2015 Stacey Diaz, 2017 Darryl Clark, 2018 Alexandria Romero, 2019 Kim Arline, 2020 Ted Sillox, 2021 Dan Nelson
Long Distance Award: Recognize and express the club’s appreciation for the distinguished and dedicated service the recipient has rendered to the club over an extended period of time.
Past recipients: 2007 Rocky Koshla (18 yrs of newsletter fitness articles), 2007 Dave Diaz (14 yr Treasurer, President/VP over yrs), 2008-not given, 2009 Gary Franchi (17 yrs Footprints newsletter editor), 2010 Lois and Don Pfost (16 yr Predict host, numerous board positions, Predict coordinators, timing, services since 1990), 2011 Ron Dehn (9 yrs Footprints editor), 2012 Terry Cathcart (11 yr SRO race director), 2013 Dave Diaz (21 yr Rock Canyon race director), 2014 Jeff Arnold, 2015 Anthony Diaz, 2017 Kim Arline, 2018 Stacy Diaz, 2019 Shawn Loppnow, 2020 N/A, 2021 Paulette Ams
Spirit of SCR Award (previously known as the Dirty Sweat Sock Award): A member who champions SCR tirelessly and enthusiastically, but prefer to stay in the background, letting others bask in the spotlight. Nominees should have a track record of being a promoter of SCR and volunteering for club events.
Past recipients: 2001 Cynthia Dreiling, 2002 Don & Lois Pfost, 2003 Joe Dvorsky, 2004 Mark Koch, 2005 Jaqueline Wall, 2006 Michael Orendorff, 2007 Stacey Diaz, 2008 Lenore “Pixie” Raich, 2009 Bill Veges, 2010 Dave Diaz, 2011 Brian Ropp, 2011 Dennis Wait, 2012 Gold Dust Saloon, 2013 Kim Arline, 2014 Becky Medina, 2015 Anthony Diaz, 2017 Ron Dehn, 2018 Shawn Loppnow, 2019 Mark and Brenda Koch, 2020 N/A, 2021 Justin Steves
Male Triathlete of the Year: Recognize a male triathlete club member for his athletic accomplishments as a triathlete in terms of racing, improvement, inspiration to others, overcoming challenges and promoting SOCOT2.
Past recipients: 2015 Michael Orendorff, 2017 Cory Rose, 2018 Sean Staples, 2019 Roger Giordano, 2020 N/A, 2020 N/A, 2021 Eric Medina
Female Triathlete of the Year: Recognize a female triathlete club member for her athletic accomplishments as a triathlete in terms of racing, improvement, inspiration to others, overcoming challenges and promoting SOCOT2.
Past recipients: 2013 Gwen Steves, 2014 Kim Arline, 2019 Gwen Steves, 2020 N/A, 2021 Jessie Caserez
Male Runner of the Year: Recognize the running and racing experiences of a male member that is an influential member of our running club, promotes SCR, and is involved in the community and beyond. Please mention if he has been a positive role model for others or has coached others. Mention any obstacles the runner may have had to overcome to reach a new level in his running.
Previous recipients: 2001 Matt Sherman, 2002 Chief Reno, 2003 Marv Bradley, 2004 Rich Hadley, 2005 Dave Diaz, 2006 Humberto Paredes, 2007 Joe D’Angelo, 2008 Ron Dehn, 2009 Justin Ricks, 2010 Brian Ropp, 2011 Shawn Lopnow, 2012 Paul Dallaguardia, 2013 Dave Diaz, 2014 Roger Giordano, 2015 Jason Castro, 2016 Dan Nelson, 2017 Robert Lucero, 2018 Eric Castellano, 2019 Dr. Robert Pratt, 2020 N/A, 2021 Juan Morales
Female Runner of the Year: Recognize the running and racing experiences of a female member that is an influential member of our running club, promotes SCR, and is involved in the community and beyond. Please mention if she has been a positive role model for others or has coached others. Mention any obstacles the runner may have had to overcome to reach a new level in her running.
Previous recipients: 2001 Marijane Martinez, 2002 Jill Montera, 2003 Katherine Frank-Dvors, 2004 Jessie Quintana, 2005 Emily Borrego, 2006 Gina Benfatti, 2007 Tammy Stone, 2008 Stacey Diaz, 2009 Peggy Oreskovich, 2010 Kim Arline, 2011 Deb Gurule, 2012 Becky Medina, 2013 Stacey Diaz, 2014 Paulette Arns, 2015 Carrie Franchi, 2016 Melanie Nelson, 2017 Marilyn Vargas, 2018 Melanie Steves, 2019 Gloria Montoya, 2020 N/A, 2021 Becky Mendina
Male Youth Runner of the Year: Recognizes the running and racing experiences of a youth male 19 years old or younger that stands out as a runner or advocate for running in the community.
Past recipients: 2001 and 2002 Aaron Lopez, 2003 and 2004 N/A, 2005 Jordan Montera, 2006 Matt Drake, 2007 Aaron Levinson, 2008 Shayne Taylor, 2009 and 2010 Mike Cernoia, 2011 N/A, 2012 Corbin Pagnatta, 2013 and 2014 Michael Duran, 2015 N/A, 2016 Meno Vargas, 2017 Meno Vargas, 2018 Lorenzo Wade, 2019 Rylan Dehn, 2020 N/A, 2021 Ian Gowen
Female Youth Runner of the Year: Recognizes the running and racing experiences of a youth female19 years old or younger that stands out as a runner or advocate for running in the community.
Past Recipients: 2001 Crystal Berndt, 2002 Tiffany Reno, 2003 Sarah Koch, 2004 Jerica Khosla, 2005 Ashlee Withrow, 2006 Samantha Devenport, 2007 Jerica Khosla, 2008 and 2009 Anna Marshall, 2010 and 2012 and 2013 Jessica Kleven, 2014 Emily Perez, 2016 Emily Lucero, 2017 Rosalinda Vargas, 2018 Patrice McGivney, 2019 Michelle Pratt, 2020 N/A, 2021 Tannis Chavez