Community-wide pool times available for SoCo-T2 members to train are listed below. See online calendar for weekly updated times as high school swim meets may cancel practice times.
- Public swim times: see chart below with public lap swimming available
- SoCo-T2 pool share with swim clubs: Adult Tri Club members have been invited to swim with a couple local youth swim teams and Master’s Club to help pay for pool time. You must be insured by our club to swim (no diving covered). You must sign onto the roster, pay cash and stay in the lanes open for Tri Club. The swim team coach MIGHT allow another lane to be used if few youth swimming and more than 5 adults to a lane (but crowded lanes are good practice for a race!)
- Club workouts: Another club member may offer a workout but most often this is just a chance for all of us get some affordable swim time built into our own schedule. Email [email protected] to post a club swim workout you want to offer and invite others to join.
- For latest changes in pool times, refer to swim team calendars below. Youth triathletes are encouraged to join a swim team to get adequate swim practice:
- PW Swim Club (PW Regional) or Pueblo Swim Club (South)
Masters Swim Club $3 for tri club insured members |
County HS 6:00-7:25 am |
County HS 6:00-7:25 am |
County HS 7-9 am |
Pueblo Swim Club calendar for Adults $3 or 10-pack $25 |
PW Swim Club (2 adult only SoCoT2 lanes) PW regional center on John Powel |
7:30-8:30 pm or 6:30-8 pm certain weeks shown on team calendar |
7:30-8:30 pm or 6:30-8 pm certain weeks shown on team calendar $2 for tri club members w/ insurance
7:30-8:30 pm or 6:30-8 pm certain weeks shown on team calendar $2 for tri club members w/insurance
CSU-P (Open to public for $6 or $5 punch pass. Free if YMCA member) |
6-8 am 12:30-3 pm 5-7 pm |
6-8 am 12:30-3 pm 5-7 pm 12/15, 12/22: 7-8 pm Tri Club session 1/5,1/19: 7-8 pm Tri Club session |
6-8 am 12:30-3 pm 5-7 pm |
6-8 am 12:30-2 pm 5-7 pm |
6-8 am 12:30-2 pm 5-7 pm |
PW Regional (Open laps to public $2 cash) |
5:15-6:15 pm |
5:15-6:15 pm |
Open water swimming: May 18 to Sept 1 at Grant Ranch near Littleton, CO (SW Denver) is offered by Mile High Multisport for $15 per session, discounted punch passes or an annual membership. USAT members welcome, no COMSA insurance required but LIGHT COLORED CAP is required! Weekends might have safety kayaks and some weekday evening sessions but you swim at your own risk, swim partners recommended.